HubSpot Ideas


Need for a better filter of mail import import to HubSpox Inboxes

HubSpot today have some options to filter out mails one do not want to receive, but it is far from good enough and needs to be extended. We would lik to see the option of filtering out specific mails with a given syntax in subject, if one at same time could include routing to folders in Hubspot Inbox and an exception of not creating tickets for given mails that would be great. One size does not fit all even though we have quite good structure in our shared mail inboxes in Google Workplace, they do get massive number of given types of mail we need to handle differently, so therefore a filter.


Another issue is that we have noticed things going to spam that should not and have at moment turned of all the spam-filter. We do notice that hubpsot reminder mails themselves though still go to the spam (which is kind of good), but this should be a specific filter and not hardcoded as it seems to be today.


Looking forward to a better way of handling this 🙂