Need a way to move Sandbox Workflows and properties to Production
Currently, there's no way to move workflows, propertities, or other items FROM a sandbox enviornment to our Production account. There needs to be an easier way to do this instead of recreating.
This is 100% needed and the main reason I DON'T USE SANDBOX... If we have to manually do all of this work twice, that's often worth the risk to just build it in production and hope it goes well.
There's no reason to offer a sandbox environment if the user can't move the workflow to production after testing! Having to recreate the workflow just creates more friction and introduces more opportunities for human error, defeating the purpose of testing in the first place. PLEASE prioritize this feature!
I totally agree! I love the workflow functionality, it ticks all the boxes, but if I build out a whole workflow and then test it, I don't like that I have to recreate it manually. That just opens up so much room for error.
We would also like to see this feature prioritised ASAP. There is a lot of room for error in Hubspot at the moment which is a huge risk for enterprise customers.
For what they charge this option should have been a priority a long time ago. It's 2023 and we still can't do something as simple as moving a website from one environment to another.
Agreed with everyone. There should be a way to move/export a workflow from sandbox and vice versa, since a workflow can lead to enrolling in another workflow. I can't believe I have to recreate everything just to test something to make sure it works. It needlessly wastes a lot of time
Was seriously considering bumping my subscription up to enterprise as a sandbox was a key selling point. Now I have tested it during the trial I am utterly disappointed that changes can't be synced back to the production environment. (I miss Salesforce 😂)
We just upgraded to Enterprise with the sandbox as a selling point and didn't even think to check that things could be pushed from Sandbox to Production because... duh? Why would we waste our time building out a complex pipeline with a ton of sophisticated workflows in the sandbox to test if we have to completely rebuild them on the production side once they work the way we want? That is the most monumental waste of time ever.
Please add this! Not only is it a lot of work to re-build the workflows in production after they are tested successfully in the sandbox, but it brings in an element of risk if they are not rebuilt exactly the same.
a migration tool with validation stages will improve the delivery process and synchronization. Fields don't necessarily need to follow same convention as long as the mapping by the migrator is valid