Right now we are limited to booking only 5 items for some reason. I can't understand why it would be a good idea to limit the number of bookmarks. Please let us book more than 5
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I couldn't agree more. The Bookmark bar has plenty of vertical space, and the requirement to remove one of the existing bookmarks before adding a sixth left me flabbergasted.
I agree with the rest and think it oversight to only limit it to 5 bookmarks. Especially when you factor in Custom Objects.
Yes, you can easily between objects however, I would rather click direct into each object to save time/resources with polling the first 100 records of an object I don't want to view.
Thank you for sharing your feedback regarding the number of bookmarks. Starting today, you can bookmark 10 items instead of 5. Please continue to share how you're using Bookmarks and navigation in general and how we can improve your experience.
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