HubSpot Ideas


Multiple languages variations for Email Templates and Snippets

Hi All,


Our Sales team is rather small (8 individuals) but works internationally in multiple languages (British English, American English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin...). We use Email Templates and Snippets on a daily basis and record each piece of content in multiple languages. In its current form, it requires creating each email template and snippet multiple times, for each language, as individual records. This causes difficulties in managing, finding and updating them -even using folders and private team views.


Our request is the following:

Would it be possible to have language variations within the email templates and snippets like we can do with our web pages and blogs? So we can create ONE email template/snippet, and add the content in multiple languages within this same record.

This would help both the Sales Ops maintaining them and the Sales team using them.


Thanks in advance,


9 Replies

I can't believe this doesn't already exist! 


Same need here! The above mentioned functionality would be perfect for us too, since we communicate in English, Spanish, French and German with our clients. Additionally, it would be great if there were an inetration/API with, allowing the user to translate a template or a snippet with just one click.


Looking forward to seeing multiple language templates (without having to clone each template three times) in hubspot soon!



Boris #lamontesina 


It would be great to have the feature/possibility of creating 1 email template with multiple language variations to it and that email template can be deployed on (1 or more) Sequences, in which the Sequence can then detect based on the contact's language metadata field, thereby switching the required language dynamically. That would be a highly valuable feature to develop, Hubspot team!


We could use this feature for Marketing emails as well. I would already be happy if the language preference contact property would be accesible as a filter for smart rules.


This would deffinetly be a great feature. We have 9 different departmenst and being able to make translated versions of one email would be very time efficient. I also like the API integration with DeepL idea! Very needed feature


We definitely need a smart solution for this asap! We're planning to start sending our Delivery and renewal emails  as  Transactional emails via Hubspot. We're currently sending these emails in 13 languages via Sendgrid. I'm thinking of using a workflow to send the email in the correct language, but that still means maintaining lots and lots of email templates. 


We definitely need this! We have sales teams working with different languages throughout the world. It would be great to be able to add multilanguages for marketing emails, sales templates, and also service templates. If we have a customer who has a preferred language, we can set up a workflow that streamlines which language version they are receiving whether its a transactional email for upcoming renewal or service updates. In addition, we have management viewing email performance. It would be a great add-on for them to view how their international sales team is working with their templates to see what works and doesn't. Perhaps it might be a transcribe option instead for this request but being able to have translated versions in different languages for our marketing and sales team to send out to prospects and customers. 


Same here, I support this feature


Same here, I support this feature