HubSpot Ideas


Multiple language customer portals

Dear HubSpot,

We love the new client portal, but we can't use it because it is not multilingual, we need the possibility to have an English and French version.

As I know you are always working to make your platform optimal, I am sure you will add the multilingual functionality soon.

I would be happy to participate in a beta version if needed.

Thank you for your great product!

11 Replies
Participant | Partner

We have the same problem.

We appreciate the customer portal, but currently cannot use it, as we need to support multiple languages here in Europe. Currently our sites are in 7 languages and some of our landing pages in 12 languages.

We cannot decently take our customers to a customer portal that is not in their language. Until there is multilingual support, the portal will be unusable.

We look forward to this feature


I also see this problem across several of my client portals. Most companies which work across several languages, regions will have this requirement of offering customer portal in more than one language.


Please HubSpot team can you feedback on when this may go into beta?


We need that too!

Member | Gold Partner

We need that too in italian 😉 


That's the same for us, it should be great to have the portal in multiple languages


Extremely needed feature ! Up ⬆️


We need this for Indian Sub regional languages too.

Contributor | Elite Partner

very much needed!


Highly needed and we can't explain our customers for e.g. in China or France, why they need to use/see/read an english main menu. they are aksing as well why all menus of the webside are localized, also within the partner portal (we are simply using protected webpages for it) but within customer portal not. Can't understand it by my self. 


Really need this feature!!! 

All of the other content is supported in multi language but yet the only thing thats not is the customer portal. And why I can live with a english menu of the portal I need to be able to have the new ticket form in multiple languages. 

Contributor | Partner

Are there any Updates regarding this topic yet? We have a couple of clients in need of a multilanguage option.