HubSpot Ideas


Multiple Tickets per Deal needs label Associations from workflows

I have a use case where our deals result in multiple tickets.  A many to one relationship.  I need the ability to update only one ticket associated to the deal opposed to "all labels".  the only way to isolate the spefic ticket is through label associations, otherwise all tickets are updated.  


Example, one of our customers purhases a package with service 1 and service 2.  this deal results in two tickets for each service and is assigned to the production team.   We are updating the tickets with information from the deals, but we are unable to assign specific details that are only associated with one service to a ticket.  any updates is performed on all tickets. 


is there a way to only update one specific ticket when multiple tickets are associated to one deal?  I have tried to use If/then functions, but the update record or copy record action requires an association label, otherwise it is set to "all labels" 

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