Multiple Re-occuring Emails using different dashboard filters
Based on the current dashbaord filter beta, it would great to see the following functionality implemented to save time and allocated reports/dashboards.
Requested Feature: The ability to schedule multiple reoccuring emails of the same dashboard, but with different filters applied on the dashboard for each send.
For example, there is a Dashboard A that contains multiple reports that contain data for multiple contact owners.
The ability to schedule the following reoccuring emails:
Dashboard A with consolidated data for the entire team (I.e. no filters)
Dashboard A but with filter for "Contact Owner A" applied
Dashboard A but with filter for "Contact Owner B" applied
Dahsboard A but with filter for "Contact Owner C" applied
This would result in having to only create one version of the dashboard and one version of each of the reports found on the dashboard rather than individual dashboards and reports for each team member.