HubSpot Ideas


Multiple Email signature



Can you please make it so I can switch my signatures when i email from hubspot? I need to tailor it to fit the different types of people I speak with. That would be very helpful! Thank you! 

ステータスに更新: Delivered
January 28, 2025 12:46 PM

I'm pleased to announce Multiple Email Signatures is now Live to all Sales Hub Professional and Enterprise users! Please see the KB article for more details.

January 08, 2025 11:46 AM

Hi @AVChrista ! The use case you're describing is one we're hoping to tackle by solving I'd recommend upvoting that one to get notified of our progress 🙂 

ステータスに更新: In Beta
November 21, 2024 08:39 AM

Hello all! I'm incredibly excited to share we now have a Private Beta available for multiple email signatures. You can use this link to request access in your portal if you are interested in helping us test:

July 23, 2024 05:30 PM

@MilenaRedGR of course! The response has been so strong, we probably don't need more volunteers for initial design feedback, but I am always happy to have more portals ready to participate in the first beta stages 🙂 

ステータスに更新: In Planning
July 18, 2024 03:39 PM

Hi everyone! I am very excited to announce that this project is In Planning! If you are interested in being a part of the design feedback or beta testing of this feature, please fill out this form:

ステータスに更新: Being Reviewed
February 26, 2024 03:24 PM

Hi everyone! I am updating this idea to Being Reviewed as we consider if we'll be able to deliver it this year.

March 22, 2021 09:04 AM

Hi @NCO! The Ideas Forum Users Guide does a great job addressing this and other questions so I'll quote it here:

How long does it take for my Idea to get built?

It entirely depends on the traction your Idea receives from other users and the feasibility of the feature request. While the general rule is that the more popular a thread, the more likely it is to receive consideration from our Product team, this is not a certainty. An Idea may receive a high amount of upvotes, but if the feature isn’t able to be produced due to a technical, ethical, or legal reason, no amount of upvotes will be able to change that. That being said, sometimes our Product team finds a unique Idea with only a handful of upvotes and decides to move it into development. 

To answer your question directly: no, there is no necessary threshold this idea needs to reach for us to realize the value it would have. Simply put, there are too many other competing priorities, not just user requests, to allow us to prioritize this in the next few months. I'll be back with an update if and when that changes!

ステータスに更新: Not Currently Planned
March 19, 2021 04:47 PM

Hi everyone - Thanks so much for your comments and engagements on this thread. We take your feedback very seriously and have been tracking the popularity of this request. We don't currently have the bandwidth to tackle this work right now, so I'm updating the status of this idea to reflect that. Apologies that it's not better news, but I will be back here with an update if and when we are able to move forward with this!


I would also highly appreciate a way to switch signatures. We have clients from different countries and translating the signature each time is not fun, even with copy and paste. But since this topic is years old, I suppose we will not get lucky.


This would be a fabulous addition, we only discovered we couldn't do it recently when we launched a new brand, so in the main people are choosing to use Gmail as we can accommodate this need from there.

However, it would be ideal if we could do so from HS without manual intervention as this means we're restricted when it comes to using sequences as too much manual updating of signatures to bother.




It would be an awesome feature. We are starting a new project within my company and it has a separate domain/branding, etc. thus we have to contact our customers and vendors with two different emails (each person) and different signatures. 


Thread Start Date: January 10, 2017

Community Replies: 43

Upvotes: 114

Hubspot Response: Crickets....


We all have the same need.  Is someone from Hubspot reviewing these threads? Would someone from Hubspot be willing to update the community on the status of this request?  Is there some sort of technical reason the feature cannot be added?





3.5 years later.... How is this not a thing yet?!! Adding my voice here. This would be incredibly helpful. Thanks!


Definitely required. Templates are far too clunky a workaround.


Using Tickets, the signatures we use and definitely different than when we are responding to leads or other enquiries.  Even if we could link a signature to an email address would be an improvement.




Dommage que ce sujet reste sans améliorations, c'est totalement bloquant pour mon entreprise 😕 


This would be an important feature. We work with various clients in different countries and also with different entities. With one signature it is not enough.

Thanks for considering this.


This would be incredibly helpful! Come on @hubspot! Hook us up!


Great idea, I hope Hubspot team implement this idea as soon as possible 🙂


As well for Conversations!!!


I love the suggestion because I have 3 emails I use for 3 different brands my company owns and I get sales requests from all 3 websites and have multiple sales people that need the same thing.   I don't like how it is currently setup because most of my sequences have signatures embedded automatically and I just want it to send with the right signature based on the email address that I send from.  This is a simple feature that outlook and gmail have and Hubspot should have it too.  


I just got an email from a prospect that saw the parent company's signature and had no idea what I was selling him on - that destroyed the credibility and deal because it looks tacky.  Hubspot definitely needs to fix this!


You guys need to add multiple email signature funcionality. It only makes sense to do so if you already offer multiple personal email accounts integration. It would be very much needed, specially when working with email sequences. Thanks.


I can see comments and requests backdated all the way from 2017. HubSpot team, is that going to be implemented anytime soon? I believe it is a vital factor for most business needs over the number of votes and the comments within the three pages. May you please consider having this delevered soon? 



Hi @hubspot, 4 years ago. What's going on with multiple signatures? 😉


We've gone through an entire presidential term here in the US and yet Hubspot still has not addressed this.



HubSpot already allows you to connect multiple email address to a primary account and send emails from the address you wish to send from, but it does not offer the capacity to alter the signatures when a different email address is chosen.


For example, we have two brands:

One is our primary brand that focuses on multiple lines of business and the second is a smaller brand that focuses on a singular line of business. When I went to send emails via HubSpot from my smaller brand and I select that email address while creating an email from a contact in the CRM, my signature stays the same as the one I use for my primary account, but ideally a differently branded email address would auto-fill when I switch to the secondary address.


Apple Mail does this perfectly, for example. As do most other mail clients. This would be invaluable so that I can do all of my work at once instead of having to change the email signature every time I need to send an email from my secondary address.


Yes, have this same issue. Please add a layer for additional signatures.


Each different email address needs it's own custom/corresponding signature.
Also, it would be smart to allow multiple signatures per each email address, as well.


Thanks HS!


I'm really need this feature too!


Very useful feature. Without it sequences are much more burdensome!