Can you please make it so I can switch my signatures when i email from hubspot? I need to tailor it to fit the different types of people I speak with. That would be very helpful! Thank you!
How do I use 2 different email signatures please? My company uses 2 trading names, so the email signatures need to be different. Also, even for just one trading name, I have different email signatures, one for new contact plus one for contacts that have known me for a while.
If I cannot solve this issue, then I am going to have to go back to my previous software that does allow me more than 1 email signature.
It would at least be nice to have multiple CTA's that you can choose from. I would love to be able to get my outbound team to customize the footer based on the markets they are prospecting in.
We use two domains both handled in G suite in a single google account. I can configure and use both my e-mails in hubspot but I can only have one signature. I'd love to have separate signature associacted with each addres. Currently we have to either edit signature each time or use gmail but both those workarounds have disadvantages. While using gmail I have to manually associate e-mail with deal and editing signature everytime is both time taking and It's easy to make a mistake.
It is so counter intuitive that you (hubspot crm) give us so many features to manage multiple brands in our crm database including multiple email addresses but it is crazy that a simple feature to associate a unique signature with each email address is not available. Could you imagine outlook not allowing a unique signature to be associated with each email address? PLEASE add this to CRM.
I guess there's no one from Hubspot who works their way through these inquiries. This should be a simple thing to do. AND having to cut and paste EVERY time I switch to my alternate email address takes time. Multiply that times 10-20 times a day, that's a lot of wasted time that Hubspot could fix by adding ONE signature to match up with the alternate email address!
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