Use Case: Company utilizes secondary domain for email while the primary domain loads their website. Example: uses for email.
A secondary domain option, with the abilility to add a list of domains associated with the parent company, allows us to track leads via email using the "Auto Create / Associate" feature without manually creating the contact for the parent company.
@kreiley would you be willing to contact our support team with the actual case (I wouldn't want you to divulge your personal business info on the Community) because that very well might be a bug and I'd like our support (and then maybe engineers) to investigate it further.
Hey folks - thanks for bringing this to my attention. I want to make sure I understand the problem, so please bear with me!
Are you saying that when you add a secondary domain (e.g. to a company (e.g. and new contacts come in that are associated with that secondary domain (hubspotforstartups) then they are NOT associated with That would be odd.
The only case where that might happen is if already existed, but was never merged with
Hey folks - this feature is now live to all. We'll continue to make improvements to it, but you can find the feature in the "Company domain name" property on the company record. It should look like the UI for adding multiple emails to a contact. Feel free to add as many domains as you need to add - there's no real limit.
Hey folks - my name is Ethan and I'm a PM here at HubSpot. As Dylan mentioned, we've been hard at work on this and now have the feature out in beta.
As an overview, we now allow users to add secondary domains to companies, which should help you keep the database a little cleaner. The primary problem we're solving for here is when one company has multiple domains, but it's really just the same company. For example, contacts that have an email with and aren't working at different companies, we all work at HubSpot! Now, you can just add "" as a secondary domain to the HubSpot company so that activity related to any contacts or deals associated all comes back to the HubSpot company record.
If you'd like to join the beta and try it out, please email me at and I'll get you ungate. The sooner we can test the feature, the sooner we can release it.
Thank you as always for your continued feedback, it helps us build a great product. The ability to add a secondary domain to a company is something that we have been investigating on the HubSpot Product team. As a result, I'm going to move this idea into the "In Planning" stage. We'll continue to update this post as we make progress.
I'm surprised this is not already a thing. Our company switched over to Hubspot CRM just last week and we are running into many instances of companies who use email domains distinct from their primary brand domain.
Use Case: Company utilizes secondary domain for email while the primary domain loads their website. Example: uses for email.
A secondary domain option, with the abilility to add a list of domains associated with the parent company, allows us to track leads via email using the "Auto Create / Associate" feature without manually creating the contact for the parent company.
I agree that this would be valuable. Along with the previously mentioned reasons, some companies have multiple domains (full company name and a company nickname) or with a country add-on to the URL. These don't really fit into the parent/child scenario, and merging doesn't work because each time they come to our website I would have to merge them again. Having the option to add multiple URLs under the same company would be so helpful!
I'm not exactly sure how this "secondary domain" functionality works, but if the HubSpot merge documentation is true, you may be able to "hack" the system by creating 3 different Companies with 3 different domains and then merging them into the one you want to survive (and thus keeps the 2 "secondary domains").
QUOTE: "When two companies with different domains are merged, the resulting company will keep track of both domains. One will be kept and displayed as the primary, the others will be kept as secondary domains.
If you have company auto-associate by domain turned on, and you add a new contact, HubSpot will associate the contact with a company using the following logic:
Check to see if there are any companies with that primary domain
Check to see if there are any companies with that secondary domain
AllenHelms.... That also works for Contacts and multiple emails. If you make the contact 2x with different emails you can then merge them and have 2 emails for that user.
I'm not exactly sure how this "secondary domain" functionality works, but if the HubSpot merge documentation is true, you may be able to "hack" the system by creating 3 different Companies with 3 different domains and then merging them into the one you want to survive (and thus keeps the 2 "secondary domains").
Sounds like a promising step in the right direction! I hope HubSpot follows through with the logical conclusion of this idea by giving users a tool for directly adding secondary domains to any company record.
Merge works as advertised - we just moved to Hubspot from a competitor and was able to successfully set up companies and contacts with multiple domains compressed into a single company domain with the merge capability. It was quick, easy, and seems to work well going forward. The key is to select the "primary" company first, then merge the "secondary" companies, and the contacts, like obedient puppies, will tag right along.
This is an issue for us as well, it sounds like the merge would work, but we are integrated with Salesforce so the merge option is unavailable. If we could have access to manually update the secondary (or multiple) domains it would be extremely helpful. Alternatively, if we could merge companies while integrated with Salesforce, that would work ... but right now we can't seem to find a good solution.
@tillson Hits the nail on the head - for our many clients that use the Salesforce integration, the "merge Companies" solution isn't available (this is a separate issue - but I'll save that).
This is exactly why we need the functionality that @Stanczak suggests - the ability to directly add secondary domains to a company record without relying on the merge functionality.
You can already manually remove these secondary domains through the UI (see below), so why can't you manually add them? I've been researching workarounds such as using the HubSpot API to access/edit this secondary domain information, but so far have had no luck.
Hello posting on behalf of my customer, he is also very keen on this idea. He cannot merge companies due to the SalesForce integration installed, so currently leads that flow into the data base are not correctly associated with companies. Feature requested is a secondary domain default property which will help automatically associate new leads with companies, like it currently does for domains.
It is impossible to use the merge trick on a parent company since it cannot be merged. I have no options to add a secondary domain it. A parent company cannot be merged