HubSpot Ideas


Multi-select forms or ability to use 'CONTAINS' in workflow or active list filters

Right now I am forced to select an individual form when I am looking at creating a workflow or active list filter. There are many cases where I want to pull in people who have filled out a few forms across our site, and the only way to do this right now is to clone the entire filtering criteria into a new 'OR' group and update the form to be the second form, then clone again and update to the third, etc.


This creates a massive and hard to read list of all the criteria I'm using.


The form selector filter should allow me to select multiple forms at once, or leverage some sort of system like searching off of form name 'CONTAINS' to pull in multiple forms at once.


This is functionality that Marketo has and is very useful.

13 Comentários
Participante | Parceiro Diamante

I would find this very useful as well! Selecting each form individually is painful and selecting "Any form on any page" isn't possible because the Sales Reps meeting links are included in the list. 


I would also like to be able to select by a category of forms:

- Contact Form

- Content Form

- Event Form 

- Meetings Link 

Colaborador(a) | Parceiro

I really need to be able to say if the form name contains "demo" for example. We create different offers with demo forms and it can quickly become a massive workflow. 

Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante

I've been needing this functionality for a long time! Either to identify by "name contains" or to add some kind of tagging/categorization. 


This is vital both for workflows and also reporting - where we want to make a report on form submissions, but exclude partner forms, for instance. 


There are a ton of use cases I have for this!


Need the ability in workflow to assign leads based on form types. For example, surveys should be assigned differently than any other form submitted.

In workflow, if we could use a wild card (forms that contain *survey* for example) or URL ( for example) or categorize forms in HS (surveys go in a folder called "Surveys", etc. so that we can branch the workflow based on form type. Right now, workflows have to reference the form name. We need to reference the form type or category. 


This would be very helpful. If we were either able to tag or categorize forms so that we could distinguish between forms that create leads and forms that are content downloads, that would be hugely helpful.


It could also be helpful to be able to select 'All forms' then be able to exclude some forms (either specific forms, or forms with certain words in the name, tags, or categories).


Either that or if we could include all forms that include keywords like 'demo' or 'content' then we can use our current naming scheme to do this without tags/categorization. 



Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante

Found a (somewhat obvious in hindsight) workaround that helps for SOME use cases, but not all. Instead of routing based on "Form Submission," you can use "Recent Conversion" - so if Recent Conversion contains Webinar, then it was a form with Webinar in the name; if it contains "Meeting Link:" then it was a meeting link, etc. 

Thanks but the issue is performing lead routing based on the form type. This needs to happen as soon as the form is submitted, not after it has been converted.
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante

The "Recent Conversion" field is the "last form the contact submitted":


  • Recent conversion: the last form the contact submitted. This is formatted as the name of the page the form was submitted on, followed by a colon, then the name of the submitted form (i.e., Name of page: Name of form).

So, if you name your forms using form types, you can say "Recent Conversion Contains: Demo Request" and then assign on that branch.


Hi Hubspot community,


Is someone know if there is any possibility to set enrollment with "Form Submission : has filled out Any form" while excluding specific forms (for instance: "book a meeting form")


Thanks for your help

Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante
You could use the "has filled out any form" as enrollment criteria, then do
an if/then brach.
Branch 1: filled out [excluded form]
None met: continue on

Only thing here is reconversions - if someone fills out one form and later
the other, they can go down the wrong path. So instead of form submissions
for the branch, you can use "recent conversion."

Thanks @amber-square2 for your quick response


I agree. There should at least be a way to categorize the forms / create form tags. That way you could set up workflows for Webinar forms, Training forms, Demo Request forms, etc.


I agree! We have some great naming conventions for our forms and sometimes in workflows/lists I want to filter things based on "Form Name Contains" instead of selecting all possible forms and then having to update the workflow/list when a new form is added. Instead the form would already have the contains and the workflow/list would update on its own.