This feature would solve many form issues. For example, if someone responds "other" to a dropdown select dependant field, it would be helpful to have another field pop up that allows them to specify what "other" is.
It would be tremendously helpful for us (and I presume others as well!) if you could add dependent fields TO a dependent field. i.e. A visitor answers question 1. Based on their answer, another field populates. Based on THAT answer, an additional field populates. Our users are very diverse and when we're collecting information from them, it would be helpful if there were a better way to sort of tailor our form to them so we can collect answers for all follow up questions in advance, streamlining post-submission tasks.
I was looking for this functionality the other day, and this would have saved a huge amount of time and ease of use for clients. The worst part about creating custom functionality to "create" a second level dependency, is that if the customer changes anything eg. values, you have to go back to the custom script and edit it to fix any issues this would cause.
It would make things a lot easier from a usability standpoint if this were included.
I totally agree, I need this to set up the CRM for easier use for everyone, and so that everyone will work with the same terms. You would think, if they can build in the first step, they can make it dependent to multiple ones.
Yes, please!!! I have this need for a second level of dependency as well. Also, if there was a way to drag and drop the dependent fields to reorder them, that would be awesome! I've had to make some changes to the order the dependent fields a few times and the only way I could reorder them was to delete them all and re-enter them, which is very time-consuming, especially if it's just one field I have to add.
Trying to add a dependent field if someone enters a non-business email address into the email field. I want to add multiple conditions (yahoo/gmail/hotmail/etc) but can only add one of those.
We'd also like for rich text areas to be dependent too, so if someone clicks a multiple choice option, for example, it can display a panel with further information.
This would be huge. At a very basic level, when you are a global company, you should be able to have someone fill out a form, and based upon the country they select show them only the state/region/provinces they need. We havent' been able to have these fields on contact forms for years because this hasn't been available [in a simplified format that could then sync to Salesforce standard fields]. Pretty please???