HubSpot Ideas


Multi-language support for email subscription pages

 It would be great if we had multi-language support for the email subscription pages. We should be able to tailor all of our pages to our clients' preferred language.

Status aktualisiert zu: In Beta
January 28, 2019 12:56 PM

We're excited to announce that we're kicking off a private alpha for our new multilingual subscriptions feature - we will be sharing details once we are prepared to release an open beta for users to sign up and gain access. 

Re: Multi-language support for email subscription pages - changed to: In Planning
April 30, 2018 11:36 AM

98 Kommentare
Stratege/Strategin | Partner

It would be great if we can create multi language versions of the email preference page. In the email templates we change the language, but the landing page where users manage their email preferences is in a single language. 

CHANGE. Hubspot has made a multi language template available to manage the the email preference page. this can be downloaded from the template market place. The template is called "Multi-Language Subscription Preferences" and is free of charge. Some parts of the unsubscribe user journeu are not multilanguage: - Subscription types. - Confirmation messages after use's change their emai preferences. These system templates are in single language only.


We need the same. In some countries it is not compliant to have the footer in a different language (France f.e.) and we have a customer with 15+ countries who uses HubSpot and can therefore only include the link to the unsubscribe all option in the footer. Shame.

Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner



Big frustration in a multi-langual environment.



yes yes and yes ty


We need this is as well, everything else is doable in a multi-lingual way except for this thing. A real pity.


Hubspot really need to look seriously at customers outside US that have multilanguage customers. 


Adding my voice of support to this. Supporting multi-language forms and emails seems odd if one can't support multi-language preferences.

Mitglied | Gold Partner

Definitely need this.


We have a solution for this which we are currently testing. I will let you know if it is stable once were done. 


The company I work for also needs this feature, we have offices in 4 countries and have customers in over 8 languages. 


@dgil89 @LukeD @JonathanDC @Emmanouil and others reading this.


Finally we managed to implement and test a solution for this in our org and also for an enterprise customer with business in over 14 countries. It is running stable. Contact me if you want more information. One time costs once implemented and we provide an admin manual.

Teilnehmer/-in | Platinum Partner

For all companies in the DACH region, an especially for our clients in Switzerland the current email preference pages is a big issue. In Switzerland it is essential for most companies to cover the national languages german, french and italian are also covered on their website and blog, as well as an english version. 

Therefore we now have to work with a very overstuffed with selection options and not user friendly at all.
We wish us the opportunity to use a multi-language preference page, where the language is already set due to previous behaviour and language property or have the possibility to enter a dropdown menu for selecting the language.




My org tackled this by putting a custom module on the subscription preferences page that detects the browser language and then replaces all the text on the page with matching language text. Not a great solution, as it depends on the structure of the page never changing, but it allows us to launch with multi-language support.

Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner

We have the same issue with Finnish and Swedish email. And because of the GDPR, it's more cruicial for people to fully aware of the email subscription options so the message would be more accurate in local language.


I give my voice to this idea too!

It is definitively a need for us, and Hubspot needs to seriously look at multilanguage options, in both emails and forms. We do have subscribers from all other the world, and we need to be able to address each of those subscribers in their own language.

This will be for sure a limit for us to continue with the platform in the future...


Thanks a lot.


Even if for international companies the common language is english, it is still of great value to communicate in the local language as well


We also need the email preference landing page in multiple languages! I think this is a very general requirement that most of HubSpot's international customers affects...


I'm doing a workaround for the subscription ... It's not the best thing, but it's working.


I'm using the Hubspot subscription for my French customers (I have more in that language than in English.) And I have created a LP + form with a workflow to update the preferences or clear the contact property when someone unsusbcribe. I also have to manually export the opt-out contact once in a while and re-import as opt-out contact to clean the data. 


Painful but in the meantime, it's working.




Definetely needed for enterprise customer like us with over 10.000 employees operating globally, and a website in 30 languages. 


KarinaP and folked. We have found a stable solution for this. We just need to add some code and and customizings in HubSpot. For more details just contact me under We do have a blog post on this, but it is in German: