Multi-language support for email subscription pages
It would be great if we had multi-language support for the email subscription pages. We should be able to tailor all of our pages to our clients' preferred language.
We're excited to announce that we're kicking off a private alpha for our new multilingual subscriptions feature - we will be sharing details once we are prepared to release an open beta for users to sign up and gain access.
Re: Multi-language support for email subscription pages - changed to: In Planning
We have multiple HubSpot clients, who are internationally located in the US, Denmark, France, Belgium etc. (at least 7 different languages).
Our issue is that HubSpot's resubscription email functionality only supports 1 language.
In real life this means that if a person from France has unsubscribed but wishes to resubscribe, then he/she needs to be send the resubscription email (as you know).
But when it is only possible to have this system email in 1 language he/she will receive the "wrong" language, which we always make English because that is the "global language".
It is really difficult for me to see how HubSpot cannot support such basic functionality but still be so (increasingly) expensive.
looks like this is still a pain point in HubSpot. We can help you out, we have developed a solution for a multilingual preference page. If you are interested get in touch with me 😉
Much business runs international, so a trustful mail-subscription site in native language of customers is definitely needed. Such workarounds are process-killers in the longterm.
I'm seeing activity on this thread, so I wanted to hop in and confirm that this still is In Beta for Marketing Hub Starter, Pro, Enterprise, and Legacy (Basic).
Hi @JoeMayall. The beta you mention is for managing Subscription types only. I think what's requested here is a way to easily manage the languages of the entire subscription page (same for the Unsubscribe backup page and Subscription update confirmation page). Making sure that the customers will see all subscription pages and its components (page template + subscription types) in ONE common language is not possible today (at least not that I am aware of).
We experience cases, where a contact submits a form on a spanish page, receives an english DOI email (another issue!), than receives a spanish marketing email and - when clicking on manage preferences - gets a page in spanish+english.
Can someone confirm, is this beta for the entire subscription page (all of the content), or ONLY the subscription types on the page (showing a mix of multiple languages on the page)? Thanks!
The beta is only for the subscription types, which is not enough for us. Multi-subscription pages should be 100% multilingual, not just the subscription types.
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