Multi-language support for email subscription pages
It would be great if we had multi-language support for the email subscription pages. We should be able to tailor all of our pages to our clients' preferred language.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
We're excited to announce that we're kicking off a private alpha for our new multilingual subscriptions feature - we will be sharing details once we are prepared to release an open beta for users to sign up and gain access.
Re: Multi-language support for email subscription pages - changed to: In Planning
@stugreen we have a solution for displaying the subscitpion center in differen languages. Contact me under, then we can set an appointment for a demo.
There is a plug-in available in the Markterplace now called " Multi-Language Subscription Preferences ". This seems to work fine and installing it is more than easy. Only part which is not translated are the subscription types incl. their description.
Use this module to support multi-language Subscription Preferences. The module supports the following 18 languages:
Chinese (China)
Chinese (Hong-Kong)
Spanish (Mexico)
Spanish (Spain)
Simply replace the default Subscription Preferences module in your desired template, no additional edits are necessary.
The module will populate the language set in a user’s browser settings.
We are an international company and it is definitively a need for us. With GDPR it's a requirement to communicate in a language the audience understands. Hubspot needs to seriously look at multilanguage options, in both emails and forms for it to be a platform we can use going forward.
It would be great if we had multi-language support for the email subscription types. We should be able to tailor the description of the subbscription types to our clients' preferred language.
We have offices in both Germany and the US, with separate user bases. Its very important to us to be able to communicate with people in their respective languages, especially around their account preferences. This would be a VERY helpful feature, thanks for getting it started! I look forward to hearing more.
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