HubSpot Ideas


Multi-currency for custom contact properties

There are some custom properties associated with contacts which require multi-currency.


For example, if I want to record the net worth or annual income of a contact, I can only do so in the default currency today.  However, as a global company, we have contacts whose life is denominated in different currencies.


Please expand multi-currency to contact properties.

16 Replies
HubSpot Employee

It would be great if this could be used in Company records as well. 


- Posted on behalf of customer


We would love to have this feature also but for company records.


We are looking into adding ARR values under each company card but can't have all of these in our default currency. Should be an easy fix to just add an option when creating a custom currency property to add what currency should be shown? 


Being able to display multiple currencies would be helpful for us as well. For example, we have created a custom property to display outstanding accounts receivable. We have three currencies in our company: US Dollar, Pound Sterling and Australian Dollar. We would like to use a currency formatted property that would allow multiple currency values in it. We could input which currency it should display in programmatically.


Currently we have to use a text field so we can see the correct currency. Then we also have the same data in a number field so that we can use better filters on the records.


Having the ability to use multi currencies in a  currency field would be fantastic in Company information.  I've set up using a numeric field and don't want to have to change it to text to accomodate the new currencies we are working with now. 

Contributor | Platinum Partner

This would be great, not only for Contact or Company objects, but also for Custom objects.

We automatically make Subscriptions (Custom object) based on won Deals. So now when the Deal Amount property with USD gets copied to the Subscription Amount property, USD changes to EUR (no exchange rate calculation either). Just because of the account default currency is EUR. 

Please make this possible 🚀

Participant | Elite Partner

This feature would be huge for global companies who report on different types of revenue in multiple currencies but can only currently do so in their org default currency

HubSpot Employee

This feature is much needed for customers and staff.


More urgent on a company level - as someone else said before:


We are looking into adding ARR values under each company card but can't have all of these in our default currency.

Because Hubspot already does it with AMOUNT vs amount in company currency, I would assume it is a quite easy fix to

-in custom properties when you choose currency - decide which currency. Today it automatically goes into company currency.
-in custom properties when making a calculation, be able to calculate another custom property in a wanted currency, or at least into company currency.

The latest is the biggest wish, because we do commission calculation in Hubspot, and based on the deal delta (the added revenue) we pay out commission, in USD which is the company currency. But we also have deals in NOK, DKK, GBP etc, and sales reps should only add delta amount in the origical currency, without having to know the currency rate, and needing to calculate this into USD. If we had a calculation property, that took this delta amount, in combination with the currency set on the deal, it could calculate the delta into USD based on the currency rates set in settings.

Feel free to reach out to understand this use case more. But as a sales tool, calculating commission easily inside a CRM should have been developed/supported already yesterday, so hoping prioritization on it.


I desperately need to be able to add multiple currencies to my currency fields. 


It is incredibly important for the reporting in international businesses to be able to do this. 


Why has this not yet been actioned? Is there possibility of any progress reports? 


Agreed, we also have the need to be able to set different currencies for our custom object.


Needed as well for Company records


All currency fields in a CRM should have the option to choose which currency it's in. I can't believe this isn't already possible.


We track number of cases sold in addion to sales. So an option to choose case or currency on the deal is needed 


An option to add multiple currencies would benefit optimizing these CRM tools.

Top Contributor

100% this would be useful. And on Company fields too, as others have said!

HubSpot Employee

Would be great to extend this feature to tickets as well! 🧡🌈