@TomPerry, we don't have a set date right now, there are a number of other priorities that we are working on first. Our current goal is to start working on multiple currencies in the second half of the year.
The last that I've heard from Hubspot it that something will be announced at Inbound - since this is Sep, I'm guessing that if they'll just announce it then, it won't be available to the public before sometime Q1 2019.
For us, this is one of the drivers to start considering a different sales CRM.
We have been battling with the multi-currency for over a year now on our HubSpot instance.
We have now managed to solve this by implementing ZOHO reports connector. (It must be said having to purchase another reporting tool over and above the Hubspot reporting Add-on has not pleased our FD).
For reference, here is what we did:
We have a custom deal property called "Deal Currency"
We have multiple deal pipelines configured (each region want to report in a different main currency)
When doing import into Zoho we included these custom fields (from Deal)
We created a new Forex table (in ZOHO) which contains a currency and date conversion table, this converts a deal into the pipeline currency
We created a new "Query Table" in ZOHO and joined the Deals with the Forex calculation that was created in 4 above
We then had to recreate all the ZOHO reports using the new query table as the base (we created new reports for all of our regions and their associated pipeline currencies).
So our problem is "solved", we now need direct sales execs away from HubSpot dashboards to a new destination for their deal and pipeline reporting.
@WarrenE, @Gatzwiller I agree, it is nice, but getting the sales people to work on a different tool misses the purpose of having a good sales solution.
As I've mentioned in the past, in my discussions with Hubspot I know they are working on it and it is expected to be released soon
@gil1001 I hope that's the case, however I've been also told that they they are working on it, and by the end of the year, over 2 years ago...so my faith in their updates are waining slightly 😉
We really, really need this capability. Product team, please provide an update on status. In April, you said it would be 2nd half of the year. It's now mid-way through 3Q so when are you anticipating on delivering this?
We need multiple currencies, at least by teams if not by deals. In other words, a US team uses US$ a European eam or country uses Euros, etc. I have teams in the US, Europe, South Africa and Egypt and soon in India. Hubspot advertizes international currencies, but does no tell you that its only one curency per company until after you have done a lot of work.
This is the 21st century, and business is international. I'd like to know when we will get this or whther I should start migration to another CRM.
I am afraid HS is holding this feature back from release. You´ll notice how HS is using multiple pipelines as a way to solve the currency issue. Since multiple pipeplines cost money - a lot of money - HS are not likely to add this feature.
Thank you, yes there iare such possibilities. But the can only be one currency per Company, not for example, different currencies for different teams within the same comapny. Also, I see in the community there are requests for multiple currnecies in a pipeline, which is also not allowed. Some community members have proposed work-arounds. I am studying them. But the basic problem is that hubSpot CRM is woefully defficient in this area.
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