I totally agree. I'm not sure if you had a chance to read my blog post that I mentioned in an earlier message but this is exactly the proposed workaraound. Here is the post in case you missed it.
I will try your intructions, however if this only applies to current user does not help much. We have almost 90 users, I can't ask each one of them to apply all the changes required.
For any company working in an international environment this really is a must. The workaround is just that, a workaround that doesnt work in many situations. We need a native solution to be able to have deals in different currencies.
Sadly it also seems that all the votes and comments from the old ideas.hubspot.com site about this topic have not been converted over the the new community site, thus losing out how many comments and people found this a very important issue.
Hi HubSpot. Any update on this? This topic is hindering us from deciding wherether or not to go with your guys. @DanielBertschi - thanks for the work around. Clever indeed, but not ideal.
@Leopoldo Sales PRO doesn't give you any additional functionality in that regard but the basics of my solution work without the reporting Add-on (section 3 of my post). I would highly recommend to use currency specific pipelines so you can forecast correctly by currency. For as much as possible, you would want to use Deal views (you're probably doing this already).
Hey @danyelb, I just wanted to make sure you saw my comment further up (page 1 of this thread) about a pretty decent workaround. Not perfect but hopefully you'll find it helpful for the time being.
I would definitely like to see currencies introduced to Hubspot. We deal in Pounds, Euros and Dollars and currently it's all a bit of a mess, especially with the introduction of products, which means that you can't really use products in combination with multiple pipelines for each currency
I see this has been suggested a few times before, but not being able to create deals in multiple currencies really is a major drawback of hubspot. As a global company it inhibits our ability to use this platform to its' fullest.
I notice this is not the first time this has been raised so wojld really appreciate an updated timeframe on when we can expect this to be fixed
Any update on this feature? We are really in need of it with sales people all over the place and selling in 3 different currencies. This is the biggest downside right now for us
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