Moving Pages & Content (not just templates) Between Portals
I have found that a handful of clients over the years have had multiple Domains and ergo multiple accounts registered with hubspot. Inevidably, at some point, they want to two of them together and host one on a subdomain of the other.
Migrating page templates from one portal to another has been easy enough - and has become quite feature rich and quick over the past few years - but moving complete pages and all of their content is something that needs to be done manually. It would be useful if there were a way to migrate entire webpage content from one portal to another without needing to do it manually.
YES. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT YES. We had to hand-migrate a fairly large site, with five language localizations, to another portal when the client decided to consolidate portals. It'll probably happen again. It took literally over a month for a team of five people to migrate every piece of content by hand. SO EXPENSIVE, and hard to explain to the client why it couldn't just be done "automagically" since it was all in HubSpot in the first place.
Throwing in an upvote for this, too. From a use case perspective, this would be an excellent feature when needing to consolidate multiple portals for a single client (or holding company) into one portal or when separating multiple CMS sites/brand domains from one portal to individual portals (in the case of a spin-off or other divestiture). It would save the client and our staff tons of hours allowing us to build and grow faster.
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