Our company has one inbox per Client. Each of our internal teams helps a group of clients and sometimes we transition a Client to a different team. When this happens we'd need to move that channel to another team's inbox - something that's not currently a feature.
We'd love a simple way to move a channel to a differen't inbox - rather than having to delete the channel from one inbox and then re-connect it to another inbox.
Agreed. I just tried to disconnect a channel (form) and reconnect it to a new inbox - and it cleared out the form, deleting every single question I had created.
I'm also in need of changing a channel to a new, different inbox. For a long time we've had all our various channels (teams, forms, messenger, etc.), all go to the same inbox, but as we've grown, we need different teams to manage different channels specifically, and it's best for that to happen in separate inboxes.