HubSpot Ideas


More workflow options for date properties

We don't always want to "hold" a contact in a workflow in order to set a date property for a number of days in the future. Sometimes we want to change a date property that's been set in the past. It'd be great if we had more workflow actions available to choose from: 


1) Set a date property based on a rolling date (i.e. 6 weeks in the future, 2 weeks ago, etc.) 

2) Add/subtract time from a date property. For example, increase a date by 2 weeks. This isn't the same as option #1, in cases where the date property is already set for a time in the future. 

Status aktualisiert zu: Being Reviewed
May 18, 2020 01:12 PM

Hi Everyone,


I'm Jesse Tremblay, Product Manager for our Automation products here at HubSpot. Thanks for all of your feedback on this thread.


While we don't currently have anything planned here, we are going to be reviewing this idea. We will update this thread as we learn more.




35 Kommentare
HubSpot Employee

I believe this was answered by the format data option for data properties shared here:


We offer 7 day trials and need to set the trial expiry as the start date +1 week. I hope this is introduced as soon as possible.


We need this feature ASAP, it actually doesn't make a lot of sense not having it. I hope it'will be impemented soon. It was requested 5 years ago. 


Please, please get this included. Can't afford the ridiculous add-on for Operations Hub just to do this simple thing. We're currently using Zapier to take the data, create a future date and then add it back, which is crazy!


+1 . Desperately need it. Without proper forecasting, we are losing a big part of the Operation process. What is the purpose of CRM then? 


Adding to this thread as well - a necessary feature on the sales side, not just operations!

Mitglied | Elite Partner

Oh wow! This topic is 5 years old...

I need this for Trils, Contratc calculations like notice period, end date, etc. Also for some other things like Deal Reviews.


Honestly, I'm shocked that this is not available. 

Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Diamond Partner
Hi everyone,

since we had the common need to find a solution to this problem, we have published in the HubSpot marketplace "Future Date Calculator" app.
The app adds a new deal-based workflow action that enables you to dynamically include a line item in an already existing deal.

The Future Date Calculator app automatically populates a property with a future date based on another chosen date property.
Furthermore, it calculates the number of days until the specified date, so all you need to do is enter the desired number of days.

Try it and send us a feedback!
We're constantly working on new features for this app, every feedback would be very helpful.



Alessio Mammarella

HubSpot Specialist


hs diamondexelab logo
Stratege/Strategin | Diamond Partner

Hello 🙋🏼‍


If you have ever struggled with calculating future or past dates, say hello to the Workflow Date Calculator app we have released!


Key Features:


- Set Missing Days: Choose your start date, select your target property, and enter the desired number of days/weeks/months.

- Compatibility: Works seamlessly with HubSpot's standard objects—contacts, companies, tickets, and deals.


Install the App: Head to the HubSpot Marketplace, install the Workflow Date Calculator, and get started for free.

Say goodbye to manual date calculations and hello to efficiency. 

Try the Workflow Date Calculator today and elevate your HubSpot workflow game!


*removed comment* see below post for workaround


Currently enrolling everyone in a workflow but using a delay for all customers until 30 days before the end of their agreement (using close date in the photo as an example). Perhaps this could work for you as well? 

Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 13.45.59.png


Looks like this was suggested in 2020 - it would be great to see this come to life sooner than later! We run a subscription based offering at an annual term. If we send a contract out today, it may not get signed until next week. Therefore, estimating the contract/renewal date is impossible. Automating this would save our sales, accounting, CS, and dev team a lot of time! 


Option to delay work days!

Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner

Hello Everyone! I posted this same workaround in another thread but came accross this one later. I think this workaround will work for some of you when you want to set a date value based on another date field and you have workflows and calculated properties activated (e.g. sales pro). So sharing it here.


We had this same issue, Project Start date was supposed to be 30 days after the Close date and end date 121 days after the close date so approximately 3 months of project time (btw HubSpot product team, it would be great to have EOMONTH as a function when creating calculated properties; Everyone, if you see this valuable, please upvote this idea as it further enchances this workarounds potential). This can be done with calculated properties and workflows so for example Sales Pro is sufficient subscription for this. You can follow these steps to dublicate the process or contact me for consultancy if needed until HubSpot adds in a better solution:

1) I created two new calculated properties:

"Automatic Start Date" and "Automatic End Date" and set those calculative fields to Close date + 30 * 86400000 (this is 1 day in milliseconds) and Close date + 120 * 86400000


Please note that I already have set up properties for Start and End date values. Do this (or whatever dates you need) if you haven't already.

2) I created Custom property "Overwrite automatic dates" (Yes/No) and used a workflow to set either value to all deals. This was done because sometimes projects are longer or shorter so the PMs can change values to be more accurate when necessary. You can skip this step if you don't need this functionality.


3) I created a deal based workflow that is triggered when Close date is known (and "Overwrite automatic dates" is "No") and set re-enrollment on. Then the workflow copies property value from "Automatic Start Date" to "Start date" and "Automatic End Date" to "End date".


This way these static properties are now dynamic and if the user needs to change the values to something else they simply change the "Overwrite automatic dates" to "Yes" and then the values won't change. If they at some point change that back to "No" it automatically updates the values. 

Hopefully this helps as a workaround for at least some of you. 


When now thinking this you could as well have a custom property that determines how many days you want to add or substract from the date you are basing your new date on. If doing this just update the calculative field formula to e.g. Close date + New Property that has number of days * 86400000. 


Needing to be able to increase a date by 1 year! Ex) Renewal date - each year we review and we need to be able to add into the workflow that a property updates to the same date next year.