More granular permissions for managing Subscription Types
Currently, as long as a user has access to Marketing Emails (even 'Read only' access), they will be able to add/edit/delete Subscription Types in the portal settings.
This can be problematic for organizations with large teams of content creators as any user with access to the Marketing Email tool will be able to alter the carefully defined Subscription Types.
For such organizations, it is imperative to have a separate admin-level permission specifically for managing Subscription Types (and perhaps the other email-related settings), regardless of whether they can read/write/publish in the Marketing Email tool.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
This is a pretty core functionality needed for many of our clients. Would love if the ability to edit/add/delete subscription types was limited to users who are able to edit global settings.
For many of our clients, they have large number of content creator users who need to be able to make and send emails. However those same users should not be able to edit subscription types for the organization as a whole.
Agreed with everything stated already. The sales and marketing teams at my company use Hubspot and while sales needs to be able to send emails they shouldn't be able to touch marketing tools like subscriptions. They get confused though and incorrectly use this feature.
Agreed. How this is missing in Hubspot I have no idea. Its essential to be able to lock down the ability to edit subscription types to only certain users such as SuperAdmins.
This is needed for us also - we have a custom subscription centre based on who is eligible to access subscriptions. We do try to educate our internal international users, but mistakes happen. It would be good to lock this down.
We could use this... surprised it has taken so long to get implemented
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