HubSpot Ideas


More formatting options in Sales Email Templates

It would be great to have more or precise formatting options in the Sales Email Templates. Problems I'm facing up are:

  • a standard font "Arial", which isn't available in the dropdown for the fonts yet
  • the indent text button is missing to write on the same height as list items of a bulleted list

More formatting options could be made available through adapting/optimizing the editor or through a option to change the editor to HTML-code (and adapt the styling in CSS).

Thanks for consideration of this idea!


Status aktualisiert zu: Delivered
April 27, 2020 02:46 PM

April 27, 2020 02:46 PM

Hi Community!


We have added new options to the inline text editing toolbar of templates to include 7 standard fonts in the 'More' section of the text editor toolbar:

Formatting in templates.gif

26 Kommentare

yeah, i really miss "ident more" and bullet points buttons in the CRM email editor


Please add an option to indent paragraphs in sales emails and templates.


Our sales team needs to be able to indent paragraphs when generating templates.  Please serisously look at adding this simple  feature.   Some are not using templates because of this formating limitation. 



@Dylan and HBS team


Yes! Indenting would be awesome! Can't we get some of the basics? Where's the disconnect?

Mitglied | Elite Partner

Great idea! We also would like more styling / templating options, like SharpSpring has with their Smart Mail feature:


Se pelo menos houvesse a opção de colocar tabelas, já ajudaria bastante.

Outro ponto que pode ser avaliado é apenas usuários pagos poderem criar modelos de e-mail, entendo apenas os pagos poderem enviar, mas impedir que um usuário administrador os crie não faz sentido.

Um ultimo ponto a avaliar é apenas os 5 primeiros serem visiveis a todos usúarios em vez de 5 a escolha do administrador, entendo essa limitação de 5 modelos, mas eu não poder escolher quais são esses 5 torna essa disponibilização inutil.
