HubSpot Ideas


More flexible knowledge base design and layout, including custom HTML/CSS

There have been a number of different posts in the Community which are about the same core need (customizing the styling of the knowledge base), but many have been marked as "solved" or "delivered" because of options that get you part-way there. I'm consolidating those into this post so we can more easily track this need. This post should not be marked as solved or delivered until a knowledge base can be fully customized in layout and styling.


I've spoken with many customers who still want more flexibility in knowledge base styling, including: 

  • Custom layouts for index pages and articles
  • More fonts and styling options to better align KB with the rest of a business's website

For those of us who are working to improve the HubSpot product, it's incredibly helpful to have example use cases from our customers, and the posts here on the Community play an important role in our prioritization process. 


Giving you more flexibility in KB styling is something we'd like to do, and when we have the bandwidth to dig into this project we'll look to you all for guidance on how to best support your needs. So if customization is important to you, please add your voice to this thread!


For reference, I'm listing here the other posts which are related to this topic: 

HubSpot Updates
In Planning
March 31, 2023 05:57 AM

Hi all! I want to thank everyone for continuing to comment on this idea. We have read every comment, and the details shared here have all been so, so helpful in understanding how we can make the KB tool better for you all. 


It’s been a while since an update has been shared here, so just dropping a note to say that this idea is “In planning” at the moment, and our engineers are actively building this feature.


We are unable to share a timeline or subscription level, but updates will be posted here going forward if you'd like to follow along.


If you are interested in talking to our team about this feature or giving feedback on the KB tool, please fill out this form. I can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to speak with everyone, but the answers provided in the form will be a great help!


Thank you again for supporting this idea. We are looking forward to making more flexible KB customization a reality at long last! 🎉

In Planning
December 15, 2021 11:27 AM

Hi all,


I’d like to share an update here since it has been a while since we did last time. I wanted to let you know that we are currently investing in improving our editing platform more broadly so that in the near future we can revamp the editing experience within Knowledge Base. More a matter of when we can get to it, not if. We’ll share another update as soon as we have new information. 


Thank you for your patience!



198 Replies

Yes please add in:

  • Customization of font
  • Editing tools that are consistent with other areas of Hubspot (including UNDO and version histories)
  • Customization of top-level page. 

Is there any update on this? I keep being told that it was meant to be done at the end of March but I still haven't seen anything.

Member | Diamond Partner

For what it's worth, we gave up waiting and switched to Help Scout. It's significantly cheaper, easier to format, easier to use and a B Corp (like us) as well. Having tried ZenDesk and HubSpot's offering, it's easily the best. 


That's good to know Matthew. We are starting to think about switching as well. ServiceHub is very expensive in comparision to HelpScout, and it appears HelpScout will sync the contact data anyways, which was one of the reasons we originally bought into ServiceHub. With so little improvements in the last year I am having a very hard time justifying paying so much more for something that does so little.


I really wish HubSpot would be more open on their roadmap for ServiceHub and actually stick to delivering SOMETHING. They have the 'bones' in the core platform to support all this and be an awesome product. Just seems like they don't care enough to respond and tell us if they will.

HubSpot Product Team

Hi HubSpot Community,


Sorry for the delay in responding. Our team is currently heads down on working on a new article editor which we will bring to you quite soon.


The new editor will have the following updates:

- Improved lists formatting

- Image pasting

- Image resizing

- Inline images

- Code blocks

- Tables

- Open embeds

- Various performance improvements.


The team is also heads down on improved template customization options which will give you more control over the layout of your knowledge base, particularly on the homepage. It will also include the ability to chose your own font. This functionality will be a little later than the article editor but we are working hard to get it out to you as fast as we can Smiley Happy


Agreed with styling options: we would definately like to change the font, that would be really important to us.


Agree with the minimum number of articles shown on frontpage, we should be able to edit it ourself.


Need to be able to customize knowledge base css.


Must be able to edit/add css to knowledge base.  Modules are accessible and cloneable, but we cannot add them to article pages (thus, useless). Out of all the customizable areas of HubSpot, this one seems to be forsaken.


(this comment is more editable than the knowledge base...)


The knowledge base is really ugly guys, please work on giving us some more design options! 

A lot of people are asking for this 


Could we get an update on when we'll have more design options for our knowledgebase? I've tried tinkering around in the design center, but it seems as if the modules available aren't usable. We'd lke to do the following:

- Change the number of articles displayed for each category on the index page

- Better visualize the subcategories for each category on the index page

- Adjust certain categories to display with full width on the index page

- Add a 'Continue to Next Article' button in the footer of certain articles
- More fonts, styles, options for article content


along with a variety of other, more intricate design details.

Ultimately, we would like to better align our knowledgebase with the design standards for other content we produce. 


I'm also curious as to whether there has been any update to this. Specifically, adding tables is something that we'd really need for our knowledge base.


This is very much needed. Please implement this asap.

HubSpot Product Team

Hi @gdilthey we are currently working on tables and hope to make it available very soon along with other items that have been mentioned in this thread. If you are interested in getting early access to these new features please DM me your hub id and I will make the features available to you as soon as they are ready Smiley Happy


colors too!


Font options are much needed


Urgently need to be able to edit the fonts in the knowledge base articles. I can't see why this can't be done just as it's done in the blog editor. Thanks


How this is even a thing astounds me, I'm left with a knowledge base that is not on brand....


Urgently need.


Here's an example of a top-level page that's very well done.

At minimum I would say the top-level page should include:

  1. all categories
  2. all categories' subcategories
  3. all subcategories' article titles

Thanks for your consideration!
