HubSpot Ideas


More flexible knowledge base design and layout, including custom HTML/CSS

There have been a number of different posts in the Community which are about the same core need (customizing the styling of the knowledge base), but many have been marked as "solved" or "delivered" because of options that get you part-way there. I'm consolidating those into this post so we can more easily track this need. This post should not be marked as solved or delivered until a knowledge base can be fully customized in layout and styling.


I've spoken with many customers who still want more flexibility in knowledge base styling, including: 

  • Custom layouts for index pages and articles
  • More fonts and styling options to better align KB with the rest of a business's website

For those of us who are working to improve the HubSpot product, it's incredibly helpful to have example use cases from our customers, and the posts here on the Community play an important role in our prioritization process. 


Giving you more flexibility in KB styling is something we'd like to do, and when we have the bandwidth to dig into this project we'll look to you all for guidance on how to best support your needs. So if customization is important to you, please add your voice to this thread!


For reference, I'm listing here the other posts which are related to this topic: 

198 Replies

My company also need this. My boss ask me the same thing.


Our Marketing team uses HubSpot for our company's main website. They have raved about HubSpot every chance they get.


In 2020 I looked at moving from Helpjuice to HubSpot KB and was highly disappointed with the functionality being offered by HubSpot. We ended up postponing the project.


Three years later, while evaluating other platforms our Marketing team again suggests HubSpot. I reached out to HubSpot to see if the KB article editor had been updated... and it has not. Looks like HelpScout is worth a long look based on some of the comments in this forum.


Current problems :

- the alignement of text and images, with left/right blocks, is difficult

- the Draft and the Preview are not the same, it's necessary to check the Preview and then to go back to the draft to adjust with lines breaks, and do all the exercise again until the Preview is well aligned

HubSpot Product Team

Hi all! I want to thank everyone for continuing to comment on this idea. We have read every comment, and the details shared here have all been so, so helpful in understanding how we can make the KB tool better for you all. 


It’s been a while since an update has been shared here, so just dropping a note to say that this idea is “In planning” at the moment, and our engineers are actively building this feature.


We are unable to share a timeline or subscription level, but updates will be posted here going forward if you'd like to follow along.


If you are interested in talking to our team about this feature or giving feedback on the KB tool, please fill out this form. I can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to speak with everyone, but the answers provided in the form will be a great help!


Thank you again for supporting this idea. We are looking forward to making more flexible KB customization a reality at long last! 🎉


Yes. Please allow customization of color to the entire page at the very least!thx!


Our team wanted to provide a standard experience to our website visitors and as part of that we wanted to change the footer of the Knowledge Base page similar to all other pages. However, it is shocking to see that the HTML code we add in the templates does not affect the Knowledge Base page as confirmed by the message on the setting page - "Any changes you make won't be applied to your knowledge base pages"

This is very basic feature which should be enabled or it least given an option to customize the footer apart from the current options which allows no customization.


Why does the knowledge base on Hubspot have to be sad and monochrome?
Why not add some color and more text customization options to enhance the quality of the publications?
I would like to be able to choose my font and its color. Not just the style.
What do you think community?
Should we push Hubspot developers to make this idea concrete?

HubSpot Employee

Please add more heading levels in the knowledge base article. Also, please provide more flexibility in terms of customizing the text style and fonts. It would be great if you could provide access to the source code of the CSS style sheet.


We need to be able to customize the KB template to align with the styling, branding, header, footer and navigation/megamenus on our website. Should function the same as the regular landing pages.


I agree. The experience linking from a professionally designed website to a knowledge base template with its limited customizations is not ideal. We would prefer a more cohesive brand experience for our customers.

Member | Elite Partner

Hey any updates or information about the Roadmap for the knowledgebase of Hubspot? - We recognize massive potential to this product but the current possibilities are far from ideal.



- A separate html file to edit the database as in the CMS

- otherwise more drag and drop options for content and images 


The knowledge base is nothing we should hide 😉 


After creation of my companies first knowledge base, I have built out very informational articles for our clients and they have found it very helpful. However, upper management asks the same questions I have: Why is it so dull? Although there are some cool features like emojis and special symbols, why doesnt the HubSpot Knowledge Base give you the ability to change the size, color or highlight the font? I know there is many systems that we could go out and buy to create the knowledge base we want, but if we want to maximize our usage of HubSpot and HubSpot offers a knowledge base, why would we? I don think it needs to have major improvements BUT it should atleast give you the capability that Microsoft Word does. HubSpots own knowledge base is very well put together and visal, but if HubSpot isnt using their own knowledge base feature to create THEIR OWN knowledge base, I think that says alot about the product they built. Myself, and Im sure alot of HubSpot customers, would love to see improvements to the features within the knowledge base when it comes to creativity. The AI tool is absolutely fantastic, but I would rather be able to make some fonts bigger than have AI rewrite my sentence when i could just use another AI website to do so.



We desperately need to be able to change the font color and hightlight text. This is extremely important.


It would be great it we could have additional editing options such as:

  • Ability to change the header size. It takes up a lot of space that it doesn't need to take, pushing the articles lower on the screen.
  • Ability to center the header logo.
  • Ability for the header logo to open URL in new browser.
  • Choose how articles are displayed. Example, allow for two columns for article names instead of just one.

This has been "in planning" for ages but no sign of it yet... I wonder why the thread is now locked? Seems like a massive shortcoming to me, I am currently looking to migrate service from HubSpot with this as one of the key reasons


how can HubSpot take so long to improve the KB? 

a huge selling point to HubSpot (at least how we were sold it by their sales team...) is a unified way to manage service alongside sales and marketing.

HS offers great flexibility with its other website/digital page builders, why does Knowledge get such limited development?

our own clients comment on how our knowledgebase looks outdated...

HubSpot Employee

+1 for customer

HubSpot Employee

+1 to this on behalf of a customer, to be able to apply styling to forms that part of the template styling