HubSpot Ideas


More flexible knowledge base design and layout, including custom HTML/CSS

There have been a number of different posts in the Community which are about the same core need (customizing the styling of the knowledge base), but many have been marked as "solved" or "delivered" because of options that get you part-way there. I'm consolidating those into this post so we can more easily track this need. This post should not be marked as solved or delivered until a knowledge base can be fully customized in layout and styling.


I've spoken with many customers who still want more flexibility in knowledge base styling, including: 

  • Custom layouts for index pages and articles
  • More fonts and styling options to better align KB with the rest of a business's website

For those of us who are working to improve the HubSpot product, it's incredibly helpful to have example use cases from our customers, and the posts here on the Community play an important role in our prioritization process. 


Giving you more flexibility in KB styling is something we'd like to do, and when we have the bandwidth to dig into this project we'll look to you all for guidance on how to best support your needs. So if customization is important to you, please add your voice to this thread!


For reference, I'm listing here the other posts which are related to this topic: 

投稿者 | Diamond Partner

Hi team:

I hate to pile on but I have a customer going all-in on the knowledge base. They are adding over 100 articles. 

All they want is the header and navigation modified, the ability to put contact us in the nav.

And it would be nice to suck word doc text in if possible.


Anyway, they are copying and pasting their little hearts out. I can only do a tiny bit for them.

They would also like to tag the whole thing as "not searchable" by google. But I can't touch the footer.

What's a girl to do.

投稿者 | Diamond Partner

Very happy to see this is being discussed. All our customers utilizing the Knowledge Base tool have been requesting custom layouts since day 1. Also adding custom script for the knowledge base is crucial (external chats, BI reporting etc.). Enabling the HTML editor would be a great start! Hopefully, we will hear some news about this soon!

キーアドバイザー | Platinum Partner

We need it urgently! A simple custom CSS gives me the freedom to transform the page 100%. Releasing a custom CSS in place to a Knowledgebase would transform a lot for the better.


Another important issue would be to have a navigation menu with more options in the header.


Please HubSpot! 🙏


Hi Hubspot, 


Please re-consider moving these to do's up on your priority lists. We aren't asking for much and not finding the solutions mentioned above on Hubspot will result in quite some people moving to an other provider. Including us!






Look, all we want is to be able to customize it at least to the point you have done you own knowledge base.  I don't think that's a big ask - let us clone the knowledge base templates.  Is that possible?  I know it's advanced - I'm ok with it.  We need a solid article on how advanced workarounds may be possible so we can begin doing this without you adding core functionality.  Please help.


Crazy how in 2021 we have a platform that isn't responive or customisable.. Looks like this has been in the works for almost a year. 

Come on HubSpot better your platform, considering your marketing hub has this available and knowledge base doesn't just isn't acceptable, its 2021!

HubSpot Employee

@goconnor are there any new updates on this feature being added on the road map?


Any update on this? Please manage expectations, it's a core responsibility of every product owner, especially since it's a paid solution you offer.


For our use case, we would want to edit the site header HTML of the Knowledge Base to add a Hotjar code to get feedback from our visitors. As of this moment, you can do this on HubSpot for the landing pages but not the Knowledge Base pages. Thanks a lot!


Also need ability to increase font size of article body.


Urgently needed. Otherwise I see no reason in HubSpot service professional... 😕


Being able to customize the CSS of the knowledge base would be a dream. Therefore we would have the possibility to implement the database exactly according to our taste and the needs of the customers.
I just wrote to the support and got the info that the feature is already in the review. Let's hope that it will be released live as soon as possible.

参加者 | Diamond Partner

Yes, Custom CSS as a minimum requirement.

参加者 | Solutions Partner

We support all these ideas and would like to add one more. Have the option add an image for the categories, and also have a featured image for each articles that is presented in the article listing page. 


Would be really great with the ability to style the Knowledgebase with basic CSS in the design tools. Is this possible as of today?


We'd like to have a single category in a row of it's own on the KB home page, below the search bar. Ideally, it would be a button that stretches horizontally across the full width.


Is this still in review (since April 2020) or has there been functionality enabled to allow custom css?


I need to modify the template to make it match the branding of our company, in terms of how it all looks and feels - not just basic template settings. 

メンバー | Diamond Partner


Not being able to customize CSS or just add padding etc. is really frustrating. We now have an unhappy client just because we can't do basic stuff like this. We certainly won't be recommending it to other clients..


Yes, we should have the option to adjust the header. The header is occupying most of the screen and the categories are not visible!


one of the absolutly needed basic settings for the knowledge base