In the conditional logic for properties it's only possible to choose one property at the moment as the controlling property. To create more sophisticated dependencies, it would be helpful, to combine multiple properties as the controlling condition (e.g. "Pipeline" = "Sales Pipeline" AND "Product Type" = "Product A")
This would be very useful for us as well. Sometimes pipelines have different requirements, and it would be great to be able to add that in as a condition in addition to another controlling property,
I just stumbled upon conditional properties today (wow). I've been looking for this specifically for ticket pipeline statuses for quite some time! But... it's half-baked. Similar to forms, there's only a single layer of logic (the "controlling property" logic), which isn't helpful for my org in the vast number of situations I need it for.
If pipeline is A, status is B, and product type is C, then require X, Y, and Z
Definitely needed ! I have the same use cases as mentionned above. It is too restrictive right now and could be way more powerful if we could add some "AND" conditions.
+1, same use cases as above. Not having this leads us to create more Pipelines than we would otherwise need to achieve this logic and it is still not where we need it.