More control over product lists like filtering or advanced search
Our product catalogue in Hubspot is growing and becoming more complicated. Currently our ability to organize this list is very limited, basically just folders and sorting alphabetically.
It would save our team a ton of time to be able to have more control over searching for products when creating deals, such as an advanced search and/or being able to filter products based on product properties.
Thanks for the update! Sort by 1-0 and then A to Z for all products items and folders, by default, would really help and would fix most of the problems straight away.
Look forward to hearing about updates and improvements on a more regular basis!
I totally agree. The Product Library is alphabetizable in the "manage product library" section, but NOT when in the sending quote section. It is very disorganized as there is no way to alphabetize within the folder, so to have more consistent-looking quotes it becomes more of a memorization game. It would be so much easier to have the option to click "Name" at the top and just quickly alphabetize, (or sort by price too).
Totally agree with ChrisErikkson. I've tried uploading and then moving to a folder for the line items, but that doesn't work EVER, as it's still some random order in the folder. And while we're at it, it sure would be nice to be able to import in the already created folder!!! Having the Import option on Action button led me to think I could import into the folder, until I realized that the Action Button was not actually specific to that folder but to the general Product list!!! 😞
To Expand, on this Idea the current functionality of the search bar across Customer Portal and KB Portal does not have any filtering and is not dynamic when drilling into sub-category's as the search function will still bring up all keywords from the entire domain (Not just the drilled into sub-section) of the Customer Portal & KB Portal.
We would greatly benenefit from an advanced search/filter option. Especially when creating deals.
Our company uses different SKU's for the same product, depending on the nature of the implemention for the software (SaaS, Recurring or Singe License).
Differentation is very important for our accoutancy and reporting to our mother company. This will make our life so much easier. Right now there are 3 names in the view when searching.
Greatly needed! Our Quickbooks Integration has made over 40,000 products in our library and I want to get these all sorted into other folders. Whether I'm trying to clean it up in the library itself, or my sales team adding products as a line item, both of us are frustrated with it.
I'm Alvin Chan, the Product Designer on the HubSpot Products team, and we are currently working on improving the Product Library experience. If you're interested in providing more feedback and talking about your needs, please reach out to me at:
We would love to help you with this process. We would greatly benefit from an expanded view and search options on products. Just being able to filter will help us greatly with our Quote-process and elimate errors in the future! Also a lot of other companies will probably benefit from this.
The deal/line-item builder's interface is currently blocking our implementation of a catalog/price-book in Hubspot. If our salespeople can't easily find/sort the products they want to add (especially if the pricing involves tiers) we won't be deploying this and looking elsewhere for a solution.
We have thousands of products. Please enable search by SKUs or other fields in the product library. For any business with a large catalog of products, search by SKU is absolutely essential.
We need to be able to search for product using SKU when adding to Deals or Quotes.
- Is there any plan in making the product as an object in HubSpot? It would enhance a lot of functionalities and reporting possibilities.
- Will we be able at some point to search the products using the SKU when adding to a Deal or a Quote? - Any progress in the implementation to hide inactive products when adding to a Deal or a Quote?
There needs to be a huge overhaul of how parts are added to deals/quotes. One of those is as mentioned here. We need a table format (like you can with contacts/companies/deals/custom objects) where you can define which properties are displayed and then be able to search within that table by ANY product property (not just SKU, Name or Folder!!!!!) and select those parts to add to a deal/quote.
Ideally you'd also be able to define Qty within that search table, so instead of ticking to add it, you type in the number of units you want to add, rather than having to select it in the table and then define the Qty in the next step.