I know there is some functionality with email sends in regards to using IP Country to send in a recipients timezone, however that functionality has limitations. For example, if you have an imported list from an event (or in our case an entire database migration from Eloqua) those contacts will not have been cookie'd yet so the send will default to the portal timezone. Or you may just want to divvy your campaigns/email sends out entirely by region.
What would be great is if there was a way to schedule entire email sends or workflow times by timezone. So for example..if I have a nurture program that is going to all of my AsiaPac contacts I can change the timezone to Singapore Standard Time (as an example) and then select the hours I want. This is doable at the moment but requires some mental converting from your timezone to the desired timezone. This gets tricky too when talking about daylights savings time changes (happens in some countries but not others) as well as regions with a huge time difference (Singapore vs. East Coast US is 13 hours apart, so in a lot of cases time crosses dates)
2) Portal/User Timezone
We have users in all US timezones as well as users in Netherlands and Singapore (and our team will continue to grow globally beyond that). Because our main power users are on EST that is what the portal is set to, however that can cause confusion for the non-EST users for email scheduling, reporting, contact properties, etc.
If Issue #1 is solved that could solve some of these issues, but it would be nice if users could pick what timezone they were in rather than it being defaulted to the portal timezone.
I know these functionalities exist in other automation tools, would be nice to have them in HubSpot as well!
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
100% agree. Contact import really needs IP timezone, or better city/country when imported to automatically set the IP timezone so that campaigns can be timezone scheduled. Thanks!
Even if it were possible to add "ip city" and "ip country" to an import file, then HubSpot could call the API to convert those to "ip timezone" during import, or easier if timezone send could work off those as well.
My soution was in a Google Sheet to:
Use Google's Geocode API to get lat/long from the city and country, then to
Use the lat/log to get the timezone id (format is e.g. Europe/London so very similar to ip time zone as europe_slash_london), then to
Issue #1 mentioned here would also help solve a problem we have come across when scheduling time-sensitive platform announcements.
Even if the option to schedule by time zone isn't available, it would be extremely helpful to have the option to just send the email in our local time zone's scheduled time for any recipients in "future" time zones. This would eliminate the 23+ hour delay for some.
For example, we're in NYC, so if we schedule an email for 10:30am EST, a large portion of our users outside of the US will not get that email until 10:30am the following day. I would love a simple option to just send any users the email at 10:30am EST if 10:30am in their respective time zones has already passed for the scheduled date.
It is really discouraging to regularly be told to "go to the ideas forum" to post, but when you do, you find a years old post with several hundred upvotes and comments and it has been marked as "unimportant, not needed, unplanned" by HubSpot, while they are churning out AI content by the second, but ignoring basic usage functions.
I also VERY MUCH need to be able to send to contacts based on their time zone WITHOUT needing to create several emails and slicing my lists up each time. The Send Based on Time Zone function is useless for me because I find it sending emails to people at 3 am. Additionally, many people in my industry move frequently AND people are more and more frequently using VPNs.
Without the ability to either update the IP Time Zone property, or choose to send based on the Time Zone property INSTEAD of the IP Time Zone property, this feature is useless in most cases.
There are SEVERAL threads making known the need for an update here, but again, HubSpot has decided that this is unneeded and therefore, unplanned.
Please visit the following threads and comment and upvote them as well for visibility:
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