HubSpot Ideas


Monthly Marketing Summary Email

Recently, we started receiving monthly emails from the HubSpot email account of The subject line reads..."Jared, see how much your company got done last month." The body of the email presents a fantastic and quick summary of the monthly marketing performance. 


Here is a screenshot for reference:



This information is incredibly useful and could save m staff from spending hours of pulling monthly metrics for our clients.


However, I do have several questions that would be helpful for improving the use of this information moving forward. I reached out to support but they did not seem to have a handle on the specific answers to these questions.


  1. Is there a place to find this exact reporting -- the look and feel of everything from the icons to the associated text? It is awesome that it is emailed, but there are often times when this email is deleted and then we cannot access it for the future.
  2. We have like 30 HubSpot accounts, but I seem to only receive about 3 or 4 of these emails per month for the same 3 or 4 accounts. Is there a specific reason why I only receive 3 or 4 emails as apposed to the 30 associated accounts?
  3. Is there a way to sign up each account for these emails? If so, can you provide the steps.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. 


Thank you, 

