Ability to require minimum/maximum number of charcters in a form field. This would prevent users from entering a "space" to get through the required field. My application is for a zip code, where the user must enter 5 characters.
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I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to submit, vote and comment on this Idea. My name is Shay, and I’m the Product Manager for HubSpot’s Properties.
I'm happy to announce that this feature is now In Beta!!!
We are rolling this feature out over the next couple of weeks. Once this feature is available in your portal, you will see an option to opt into the beta within your portal under "Product Updates".
This is a good addition to HubSpot, it will be great if we can have this validation for form fields, IE limiting the number of characters in a field for Postal Code.
*Update: All customers are opted-in to the Beta at this point, so you no longer need to do that step (so directions are out-dated) — but that's good!
But then this feature doesn't work at all on default Hubspot fields — only works on custom fields. That's a needed feature. Here's an example:
If you want to apply a character count limit to say Job Title, to ensure all leads to sync to your CRM which also has a job title character count limit, you can't.
I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to submit, vote and comment on this Idea. My name is Shay, and I’m the Product Manager for HubSpot’s Properties.
I'm happy to announce that this feature is now In Beta and access to the beta has been given to all portals!!! You will now be able to set validations on all custom properties and HubSpot editable properties.
@lnglkcpx This feature is only available on custom properties and HubSpot editable properties. It isn't currently available on HubSpot read-only definition properties.
Am I missing something? This only limits the character limit when editing the field directly in the contact properties, not when a user submits a form. Is there an additional setting somewhere?
This feature has been delivered and can be set on custom properties. However, at the moment the rules are only enforced on manual entry into actual records within HubSpot. We are currently working to get this enforced on forms as well and should be deployed soon. We will keep you all posted.
This feature is essential for our proper utilisation of membership application forms (for text fields). Therefore, it would be great to have a solution soon!
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