HubSpot Ideas


Microsoft Teams Native Integration (Zoom alternative option)

This feature would be for the team and the client. There should be an alternative native integration option. Microsoft Teams is new, reliable, and trusted. I feel it is a great alternative option to zoom so users can send video link invites coming from their Microsoft Teams account. This will accomodate users of microsoft team, and anyone intereseted in transitioning to Microsoft Teams. 

71 Replies

hi @poconnell how do we get added to the beta please?

So it is safe to say we are not going to see anything from Hubspot on this until Summer 2022 if we are lucky. This is very disappointing, especially in the light of the new TEAMS update coming which allows for even better integration with other tools online, yet HubSpot will still not be one of these tools, yet again.
Can we at least get a roadmap or something, anything on what this will look like and dates of delivery?
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

We have a customer that would greatly appreciate having this feature. Can you add them to the beta, please?


@poconnell  - would also like to try Beta -  So many companies use Microsoft - would be a fantastic workflow!


Two years on....barely a response to any progress other than. Thank you for waiting.  @hubspot 


Hi all, 

This is a screenshot of a conversation with Hubspot support on December 9th. It's been said that we would have this available three days ago?


What's the latest update @poconnell ? @hubspot 
Thank you!




Contributor | Diamond Partner

If a beta is indeed on its way, we would be extremely interested too. Literally have clients asking for it every week (and we are a MS based agency too) 

HubSpot Product Team

Hi All 


We know it has been a long and frustrating wait for many of you, and we apologize for that. 


Our aim is always to bring you our new integrations in a timely manner, but unfortunately we ran into many challenges along our path with MicroSoft Teams integration. We value your insight on the solutions that you would like us to bring to you, and we will endeavor to do better going forward. 


With that said, we are now opening this integration up to more customers - if you are interested in using our MicroSoft Teams integration, please submit this form, and we will share this integration with you in February.  


At this time, this integration will include the following features: 

  • ability to create a MicroSoft Teams meeting link 
  • send notifications to MicroSoft Teams channels
  • enable HubSpot workflows actions for MicroSoft Teams to: (1) create a Teams channel, and (2) send a notifications to Teams channel 

We plan to continue adding more features to this integration, and will keep you updated when they become available.  


Thanks again for your patience. 





Many thanks for this integration. The Notes from the Hubspot is now flowing fine from Hubspot to Microsoft Teams. One main feature for us is to be able to integrate Microsoft Teams webinars with Hubspot, but this is not possible at this time with this integration. Now there is possible to have one-to-one and one-to-many meetings but not many-to-one or webinars with registration forms. Is that webinar feature in the plans of implementing into this integration?

HubSpot Product Team

Hi All 


The MicroSoft Teams integration from HubSpot is live and available to all users in our HubSpot Marketplace - here is the direct link :


At this time, this integration includes the following features: 

  • ability to create a MicroSoft Teams meeting link 
  • send notifications to MicroSoft Teams channels
  • enable HubSpot workflows actions for MicroSoft Teams to: (1) create a Teams channel, and (2) send a notifications to Teams channel 

We plan to continue adding more features to this integration, and will keep you updated when they become available.  


Regarding webinar functionality requested in this thread - this is on our roadmap. However, it will still take some time before we can deliver this. We are planning towards late 2022. I will keep this thread updated on progress. 


Thanks for all your feedback shared so far - please continue to share more feedback in this thread or via our feedback form




HubSpot Product Team

Hi All, 


I wanted to keep you updated on our latest development with our Microsoft Teams integration. 


🎉NEW: We have recently rolled out conversation functionality in our Microsoft Teams integration. 🎉

This gives users the ability to receive and reply to messages from Hubspot conversations inboxes directly from their Microsoft Teams channels.

Find out more in our knowledge base article


The MicroSoft Teams integration from HubSpot available to all users in our HubSpot Marketplace.


At this time, this integration includes the following features: 

  • ability to create a MicroSoft Teams meeting link 
  • send notifications to MicroSoft Teams channels
  • enable HubSpot workflows actions for MicroSoft Teams to: (1) create a Teams channel, and (2) send a notifications to Teams channel 
  • ability to receive and reply to messages from conversations inboxes in HubSpot directly in Microsoft Teams channels. 

We plan to continue adding more features and improvements to this integration, and will keep you updated when they become available.  


Thanks for all your feedback shared so far - please continue to share more feedback in this thread or via our feedback form


