HubSpot Ideas


Merge tickets keeping original ticket ID

Currently if you merge two tickets, they are combined into a new ticket with a new ticket ID. 


Since we often communicate the ticket ID to our customers for reference, it would be much preferred if one of the original ticket IDs were kept, instead of creating a third new one.

3 Replies

this is purely bad design and needs to be put right


We especially run into this dealing with items that must be returned for repair/replacement. Emails come in about shipments coming and going, obviously need to be merged into the ticket. But if the ticket ID is changing all the time, and the ticket name also changes, it's very hard to track what goes with what. As a workaround we put a unique identifier in the ticket name but it's not a great solution.


What's supposed to happen when you merge two tickets is that properties filled in for the original ticket are retained, and only new properties get copied over. Why isn't that the case for ticket ID?


We have only been a HS client a few months and due to this BUG I have wasted more time trying to find back tickets per the ORIGINAL Ticket ID......


After merging to the Original, the OLD Ticket Name takes on a NEW Ticket ID. None of the NEW properties should carry over, simply knit/attach the new activity to this OLD Ticket Name/ID.


This makes mangagement of cases a real challenge on all levels as you can never trust that you have all your data/facts straight and ready for prime time.  


This bug has been open since 2019, please fix in 2023. Thank you!


This is a BUG not an idea 🙂