AS admin in companies with more than 50 users, we should be able to manage permissions to merge contacts since it implies "manipulating" the database by anyone who can edit contacts even if he is not aware of the impact merges could have.
This request is over 3 years old with a lot of users asking for it. It appears HubSpot is not listening to their customers on this. If they are listening, and a fix was implemented, perhaps someone from HubSpot could pin the solution to the top of this thread to help us all out? With over 50 people requesting this easy feature add, there's probably 10x that who want it but haven't spoken up. Please help us HubSpot 🙂
The ability for employees to merge deals, contacts and companies has become so probelmatic in our company. Many of the important property values that we use for reporting and our advisory board presentations are being overwritten by improper merging. As a concequence, we verbally have to ask that it is not done, but every once in a while it still happens and each case requires manual correction. It has become an admin nightmare.
I would love to recieve an email/notification once the permission settings have been updated to prevent individual users from merging please 😉
This feature is badly needed! Merging records can have huge impacts and should allowed to be limited to admins only. Is this planning to be implemented at all?
This already lead to integration issues within 2 weeks of using Hubspot and our HS account only has like 15 users. I can't imagine the suffering of CRM admins with 100+ users.
This is a vital permissions for all record types. We've had huge, lingering issues with integrations that were caused by merged deals. We have numerous teams that have to be constantly reminded that they are not to merge records under any circumstances. It's crazy that there's no way for me to remove their ability to merge records short of removing all editing access.
Totally agree with the last comments, merged deals or contacts lead to a lot of issues in all the integrations we have implemented in Hubspot, leading to high business risks.
No news on this idea becoming a feature but I did want to share a couple of workarounds I've discovered recently regarding Merging records:
1. Salesforce Integration - Having the Salesforce integration activated and linked to a SFDC account will actually block merges in HubSpot. Now the downside here is installing the HubSpot<>Salesforce integration might not be an option for everyone. HubSpot Support confirmed that even setting up a free developer SFDC account will give the same results, but depending on your HubSpot plan you might not be able to activate the integration for free.
2. Parent & Child Associations - This only works for the Companies object in HubSpot but having either a parent or child company associated will block you from merging a record. You can add parent/child companies via workflows so you could have a dummy one added on company creation. Now the downside here is that your users could still remove the parent/child association but at least is a step (which you could possibly trigger a notification if it changes) that might stop someone from merging.
3. Merge Notifications - Not a solve for stopping merges but at least you can know when they happens. In the past couple of weeks there has been an update to workflow filter operators that actually broke this notification. I had set it to "Merged Company ID was updated in the last 2 days" as the trigger and it worked. But now the operator "was updated in the last x days" is no longer valid for this field? Not sure what or why this change occured but you could probably create the same workflow with "is known" although it would only work once as opposed to every time its updated.
After seeing your recent ads on Youtube about how a CRM system should be worry-free, I can tell you now that the ability of users with Edit permissions to be able to merge is causing us lots of worry! It is causing data integrity issues with our integrations.
This is a must have for deals, tickets, companies, contacts & custom objects. Some teams need their team members to see all records (e.g. there is just one team servicing tickets), but only a select few in this team would have the rights to merge and/or delete tickets.As of now, you can only have user rights to view, edit, delete. Same selection should be available for merging.
It's a bit frustrating sometimes that the community is responsible for gathering the troops in order to gain enough attention from HubSpot.
We absolutely appreciate this idea. Further, it would be an enormous help, if the contact activities did not only list "contact merged", but also, with whom and why. At the moment this is a total blackbox and one always lives with the danger of a total data mess that is hard to clean up.
Icing on the cake would even be the "unmerge botton", which I desperately miss.