HubSpot Ideas


Merge contacts permissions

AS admin in companies with more than 50 users, we should be able to manage permissions to merge contacts since it implies "manipulating" the database by anyone who can edit contacts even if he is not aware of the impact merges could have.

133 Replies

Yes please


We totally need this !


Let's do it HubSpot please ! 


Yeah we need this one too!


YES!!! This is greatly needed.


Agreed 100%!

HubSpot Employee

Today I received a user who needs to set the mandatory properties at the user level when moving the deals from a stage to another, which would be possible with more granular permissions

Screenshot 2022-07-01 151233.png

Hoje recebi um usuário que precisa definir as propriedades obrigatórias no nível do usuário ao mover os negócios de um estágio para outro, o que seria possível com permissões mais granulares e específicas 


Absolutely agree! 


Goodness gracious, please please please enable this set of permissions. It's like the wild west out there...


100% agreed. It also seem Hubspot during merges seem to choose what filds get updated.


Hope this one can be realized!


Agreed!  Causes a lot of issues for me with our other system that's in sync with Hubspot, breaks the sycn data and causes errors I can't fix outside of completely deleting the contact and adding them again


Agreed! Not just Contacts but we should be able to choose which users have permission to merge every type of record (preferably separately!)

We have complex data maintenance routines and every time a user merges a record it creates a lot of manual work for the team to fix it.

Also, having the ability to set notifications when records are merged would be useful too


Hello HubSpot support. Do you have any news about this? Please enable this set of permissions 🙂 

HubSpot Employee


This would be a really important addition that woud reduce the risk of inexperienced users merging contacts and thereby causing the loss of data which is not retrievable.


The ability to designate permissions for merging is critical as any records can currently be merged by anyone and impacts data quality and integrity. This is especially important for companies and contacts. The act of merging two records has more of an impact that if one was deleted (since there is no way to 'undo' a merge). Deleting can be restricted and deleted records can be restored. Two key items for merging:

1.Permissions to restrict who can merge (similar to delete)

2.History details for merged records. When merging two records, the only information provided is "<Record X was merged with <Record Y>". There is no reference to "who" completed the merge and which records were merged.


The ability to designate permissions for merging is critical as any records can currently be merged by anyone and impacts data quality and integrity. This is especially important for companies and contacts. The act of merging two records has more of an impact that if one was deleted (since there is no way to 'undo' a merge). Deleting can be restricted and deleted records can be restored. Two key items for merging:

1.Permissions to restrict who can merge (similar to delete)

2.History details for merged records. When merging two records, the only information provided is "<Record X was merged with <Record Y>". There is no reference to "who" completed the merge and which records were merged.


Seria ótimo essa funcionalidade da permissão e se possível também desfazer a mesclagem, pois uma vez realizada não é possivel reverter e para criar um novo contato de forma manual acaba infringindo a LGPD.


Absolutely agreed. We have an issue in our organization where HubSpot is integrated with our primary inventory app. Our issue is specifically with Users merging Deals. When this happens, it creates false data in our primary inventory app which necessitates manual workarounds that would not be necessary if we had the ability to prevent Users from merging Deals. The only option we have is to make company-wide posts imploring Users NOT to ever merge Deals. The impacts of Users merging Deals are fairly widespread - we see impacts in reporting, accounting, and other important areas.


I'm not sure why HubSpot simply doesn't just roll out the ability for Super Admins to DISABLE the merge feature; it would be a huge benefit and would save us tons of time having to do tedious manual workarounds as well as saving time having to make company-wide posts explaining to Users why this has a negative impact on our database. 


Posting here because I just had correspondence with a support agent who recommended upvoting this post and posting myself because this feature is currently unavailable.


Totally agree, it is a big problem in our company due to integrations