I would like to propose a few characteristics, that I believe would add extra functionality and better organization for support or even sales teams.
1. Be able to Assign a Meeting with a Contact and a User (other than myself). This is really helpful for Support Team leaders that may assign a meeting to his team member(s).
2. Be able to specify Meeting Location. Either a drop-down or free text. The user should be able to provide either "Teams meeting", "Zoom meeting", "Call Meeting", "On-Site meeting and Address" etc
3. Be able to insert the user's signature, so when a contact receives the Meeting invitation, he will have the user's info.
4. Be able to Invite other Team members as Required or Optional in the Meeting.
5. Be able to program a recurring Meeting
Hopefully you'll all find these as useful and helpful as I do.
Yes, especially #2 I would very much welcome! I noticed that at the moment the Teams integration has been in Beta for quite some time now, hopefully we will see that materialize sooner rather than later.
What I would like to see as well, unless I don't understand your points #1 and #4 correctly, a situation where a client wants to book a meeting with me, but would also like to invite a colleague of him/her to that meeting.
I agree with Dimitris, as I am a rep on the road and use google calendar not having the address in the invite is annoying. I also agree with the reoccurring, I see this is now in Tasks but not meetings.
My team has been asking for the Meeting Location specifically! We should already have the Deal address so it seems possible to have that auto-populate in to the meeting and then have an option to change that to something else (ie, Teams meeting, Zoom Meeting, etc.)