HubSpot Ideas


Marketing emails to secondary email addresses

You should be able to send marketing emails to the secondary email address field.  We market primarily to couples who each have their own email address but are really one customer.  As it stands now, you can only send marketing emails like newsletters to one address so the spouse does not receive it.

HubSpot Updates
November 01, 2023 04:25 AM

Hi All, Thank you for the continued interest in this feature. It is not in our Q4 plan but we will review as a team and update this post in the coming weeks to give a clearer answer for 2024. 

Not Currently Planned
May 25, 2020 06:44 PM

Thanks for your comments on the idea. This isn't planned for development in the next quarter. For transparency and clarity, I'm updating this issue to 'Not currently planned' for the time being. We will re-evaluate in the future and we will update this idea if anything changes. Please feel free to upvote and continue to leave feedback on this thread. 

115 Replies

It´s been some time now, but I think this is a great idea, if you want to prevent spam, at least allow us to just send it to a secondary email (Work and personal), sometimes we have close clients or we need to secure that the client gets important info on their authorized ways of communication, it will be like sending a email and a phone confirmation for example (but with 2 emails instead)

Contributor | Elite Partner

This feature is needed for one of our clients as they have different conversations going on with each client and allow the client to have more than one email on file, so, for example, they send official coms and transactional emails to a main email and newsletters and other promotional emails to a secondary one


The option to send emails to all addresses a contact has would be very helpful.


I would love to have this feature. I recently started using HubSpot and was immediately shocked by the lack of this feature. In the world of BtoC, there are many individuals who have multiple addresses, and without this function it is not possible to meet the needs of customers.


We are really struggling to keep our data clean without having the feature to determine which email to use for marketing collateral. Attendees at our wbinars and events use their personal email address when registering and yet we also have their work email address. We need to be able to use the personal email address for the follow-up marketing. 


Hubspot seems to not care enought to be taking everyone who has been requesting this feature seriously. I have had multiple meetings with them where I have addressed this issue, but I just get vague answers. I am looking for other solutions. 


IN recruitment it is VERY common for a contact to be both a client and a candidate at the same time . You would communicate with them on their work email for client related matters on personal for candidate related matters . 




This is a much-needed feature! Many of our clients have multiple emails--business (sometimes multiple businesses) and personal emails--and they want to receive the emails they requested based on the specific email they used/provided. In addition, it makes it challenging for us to explain why they received emails on one address but not the other. I hope you will consider this for development soon.


This would be a great feature - many of our donors are couples and because we can't connect contact records with other contact records (e.g. to show their relationships) we need to keep them together (especially important for when we send event invites), but then we run into the issue of not being able to send an email to their secondary address so only one partner recieves the invite. It looks like this is a feature many others would find useful too so hoping a solution is found soon 🤞.

Top Contributor | Partner

@LiveOcean actually Contact to Contact associations was announced at Inbound. I don't believe its live yet but you might be able to request the BETA.  One of my clients has the EXACT same use case.  Happy to compare notes. 


@SkeeStylus Really?!? That's fantastic news! Thanks for sharing 🙂 


This would be very helpful to us as well. We have husband/wife accounts that would like to both receive our newsletters. We also have clients with personal assisitants that request to be included on all communication for their employers.


It would be so usefull/helpfull: I'm waiting for it!


We host breakfast events at our office every month and let people sign up via our website (Hubspot form) or via LinkedIn, for their convenience. As a result, contacts sometimes sign up using their private email address (since it's rather common for people to use their private email address on LinkedIn) and sometimes using their work email. Since it's not possible to handle a contact with multiple email addresses and choose which address to send the communication to, we end up with lists that don't add up and not being able to send confirmation emails to the correct email address (their secondary). So yes, being able to choose which email address to send communication to in different situations would be super helpful! 


We also need this feature. At our events, customers sometimes register with their private mail addresses and order a newsletter in the process.
When we then merge the accounts, the newsletters go to the primary address (the business address). But for this address the newsletter was not subscribed at all.
So it would be better if the marketing mail would go to the address that also ordered the newsletter. Currently we have to keep both records for such customers.
@jaleonard19, you said in May 2020 that the feature would be coming soon - what is the current status?


We 100% need this as we manage 1 client for events that require family members to be CC'd into the email. It seems like an easy feature since the emails are already in the system.

At this stage, we have separate contacts for participants and parents which results in more marketing contacts and a higher cost to the company. It also makes it extremely difficult to track conversations with the client.

100% needed

HubSpot Product Team

Hi All, Thank you for the continued interest in this feature. It is not in our Q4 plan but we will review as a team and update this post in the coming weeks to give a clearer answer for 2024. 


Please make this possible! It is very important for my company, since there are mailings that go out only once a year to a specific e-mail address, which is not the primary e-mail address of a contact.... 


We are a retirement community and market primarily to couples who each have their own email address but are really one customer. We also market to  adult children and their parents who each have their own email address but are really one customer. Either way, only one receives our marketing email blasts like newsletters.  This is making some of our clients very frustrated.  By not sending emails to all people in their contact, some have said we are not being inclusive. This does not support our ongoing journey and commitment to strive to create a diverse and equitable environment for our residents, staff, affiliates, and visitors.

Top Contributor | Partner



In your use case you may actually want to take advantage of HubSpot's new Contact-to-Contact Associations.  You can create perhaps 3 different (contact) records each with a unique email (retiree 1, spouse and adult child decision maker.)  By associating them together you'll be able to group them and see their, excuse the expression. Parent/Childr elationship and label the primary contact with Han Assoctiation Labels.