HubSpot Ideas


Marketing emails to secondary email addresses

You should be able to send marketing emails to the secondary email address field.  We market primarily to couples who each have their own email address but are really one customer.  As it stands now, you can only send marketing emails like newsletters to one address so the spouse does not receive it.

115 Comentários

We are looking for this too! Chiming in in case it helps to gain traction with this request. 


any updates on this issue?


This is a major blocker for our company. As a recruiting firm we send different campaigns to candidates vs. clients, and in many cases one human may have both relationships with us. This is a standard feature for other email marketing services and I was (unpleasantly) surprised it's not supported by HubSpot.  


I've been following up with Hubspot directly, specifically on this feature for a long time, nothing's happenning and answers are vague, I am so fed up waiting for this , and even more fed up being put in touch with a customer satisfaction agent who seems to have no influence at all in making things happen. He is good at listening to my frustaration and trying to soothe me a bit, but honestly that does nothing to solve the issue and it just gets annoying. I wish I hadn't gone for Hubspot. Too many hurdles. 


This thread has been on-going for four years now. I don't think Hubspot monitors or cares about our opinions or needs.


This is so important and so needed. I don't even care if someone is marked as two marketing contacts... we need this. 



Upvoting here - would be a huge system improvement!

HubSpot Employee

Upvoting and I can see many uses for this! 


THIS IS ESSENTIAL!!!! We have thousands of duplicate Contact records who only remain duplicates because we can't send marketing emails to two different email addresses unless they're a different Contact record. That is absurd! Our entire database is a mess, a disaster, because if we deduplicate our contacts and have multiple email addresses for each Contact, those contacts will only receive our emails to one inbox, which may or may not be the inbox they check daily. 

This isn't a feature request in my mind. It should be considered a fix to Hubspot's broken system. What's the point of a Contact having multiple email addresses if you can't send email's to them? 


Agreed, what is the point of a Contact having multiple email addresses if you can't send emails to them?


Totally agree! Our customers enter in the system with the personal email, and after follow up, sometimes they want to receive the email on their business email. It´s the same person, but want the info in both emails. Merge contacts is a good feature, but at the end, it´s the same person with two emails. Please, develop this feature! We want to include all the emails of the contact in our email marketing communications. 


We were not told that HubSpot doesn't have this functionality in our sales process, and our onboarding assured us that it was possible to send to more than one e-mail per person. Really disappointed to have signed a contract, only to find out we're not able to do this. I hope this functionality is added soon. 


This would be such a great feature and it would help us a lot to improve our marketing campaigns

I have been following up directly with Hubspot on this feature request for a year and a half, and they just keep giving vague answers about this “being looked at”, or “not planned for next quarter, but maybe later”.

I am so fed up with this.

FYI Zoho has this feature and is a fraction of the cost of Hubspot. We switched from Hubspot to Zoho almost two years ago and it was the best decision we could have made. 

Thanks for letting me know! I’ll look into it!


I can't believe this isn't a built-in feature. 15 minutes after I sync'd thousands of Google Contacts I realized it only brought one email over per person. Makes this product instantly unusable.


@ALB13 You can remedy this via the import process by mapping the secondary email address field from the source data to a custom property in Hubspot. At least you won't lose the secondaries. But the main limitation is not being able to send marketing emails to non-primary email addresses (one per contact). However, you can create multiple contacts associated with a company and set the roles for each contact for filtering lists. Other than this Hubspot is a great tool so unless that is a deal breaker consider it a speedbump worth navigating! -JD

I’m sorry, but I don’t understand how this is relevant to solving the overarching problem in this thread. Would you please explain? With thanks.

@JonAabakken It's a way to work around the issue and send marketing emails to all email addresses by splitting the email addresses out to separate contacts, then associating them with a company for a common higher entity. This is how we manage contacts for our customers who may have multiple staff at one business.