You should be able to send marketing emails to the secondary email address field. We market primarily to couples who each have their own email address but are really one customer. As it stands now, you can only send marketing emails like newsletters to one address so the spouse does not receive it.
For businesses like ours, the principle of primary contact is the way HS has it defined. I suggest that you provide us the ability to create a LIST that can include Primary and additional email fields.
I see that the oldest request for this feature starts in 2018. 5 years is a lot of time. I understand that it goes against the grain of contact as HS defines it. with 370+ upvotes, this is a popular request. Could you do something here, please?
We work with companies who onboard for newsletters and program information details and generally, onboard companies rather than individuals. A company that onboards with us may have several people interacting with us, and all of them would like to get our emails and newsletters. Please advise if this feature is on your roadmap!
This would be super beneficial to us as our company has customers that have practice emails but also has personal emails where they would like to receive our promotions. At this point the way it is set up we can only email one email per our customer due to our specific situation. I reiterate that this would be super beneficial!
I wish this feature would be as an option in Hubspot.
In the option "send" should be a check box to ask if you want to send Primary Mail, Secundary Mail or both.
We often use secundary mail for corporate mail (or institutional) and primary mail for personal mail. In many cases we need to send comunications only to corporate mails, or the other way.
We send employee email communication to both personal and professional email addresses. This is a NEED for us because when we import contacts, it duplicates the record since there are 2 email addresses for the same person. Then we have to go 1 by 1 to merge the contacts (or at most 50 at a time using merge criteria).
This is definitely needed. We target our customers from the same company but focus on different topics. Some people unsubscribe because they are not interested in certain information we send, and then they wonder why they don't receive emails anymore.
We are new to HubSpot and this seems like such a glaring omission. There are several scenarios where we use this on our previous platform. Our professionals may communicate with clients using their main business email, but the client wants our marketing content to go to their Gmail or other personal account. Our alumni communications may require sending to a non-business email address. It's hard to believe this idea has been languishing at HubSpot for six years with so many requests and no movement.
It would be great if the product team could consider this as a feature. There are occasions where users would like to receive our marketing emails to more than one email address.
SFeast, don't hold your breath. Not only have they chosen not to develop this feature since it first came up many years ago, but they don't give any solid explanations to why not. After three years in Hubspot, I personally think Hubspots business ethics and customer support policies, are way below par, and I currently have my company's head in their mousetrap, trying to find resources to do another CRM migration. It's like flying with RyanAir.
100% interested by this feature. Having the possibility to select a "marketing" email would help us a lot as most of our clients have several emails and they sometimes ask us to contact them on one or another
Since the posting guidlines asks for similar products with this feature, here are the idea forms from other platforms to show that there is a market need for this. For example, there has been a request for this on the Salesforce form since 2006.
Adding my upvote to this because it would be a MUCH needed addition to our marketing efforts too so we don't end up with a clunky doubled-up database. We also market to a lot of couples so adding the secondary email for the spouse would be fantastic, so we can send marketing emails to both or either address depending on the content.
Comments on this go back to 2018 (maybe earlier and I just haven't clicked back far enough), so 2025 would be a great time to push this forward!