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For all content options that allow you to organize with folders, it would be extremely helpful to be able to create folders within folders for better organization leading to less duplicates and efficiency when looking for content already created my a teammate.
September 2021 HubSpot Update Hi everyone! Thank you for your enthusiasm for this idea over the past few years. We're glad you're excited about getting folders in different areas of HubSpot's product and we're working on making that a reality. As the original idea mentions a few different product areas managed by different product teams, we're breaking this idea into different ideas to ensure we can provide helpful updates as they're available.
Going forward, please use the following ideas for upvotes and comments around different folder requests.
Please note that while these new ideas have fewer upvotes, we are tracking their association to this idea and counting these upvotes towards the new requests. To ensure we filter new upvotes to the correct areas going forward, we have disabled comments on this idea.
Thank you again for using the ideas forum and for your enthusiasm for these products!
I'm Jess, a Product Manager in the Automations group. We are currently rolling out folders within folders AND custom views for Workflows! All Workflows customers should see the new features available in their portals by 6/15! Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or feedback.
Thank you for submitting and interacting with this idea. My name is Andres Bustos and I'm the Product Manager for Lists at HubSpot.
While this feature may not be available across the entire HubSpot platform, this is available now within our Lists tool. If there are other specific places where you see this not implemented, but think of it as critical, please let us know by replying to this comment.
Thank you for submitting, upvoting, and commenting on this idea!
We are continuing to follow this thread and the increases in requests in recent weeks. At this time there are no immediate plans to develop this Idea, but that is not to say that this idea will not be developed. The ability to add folders within folder, while seemingly a quick fix, will require some broader changes to how our sales content library is built. We will be considering multiple potential changes to organization and layout in sales content library before we update this issue to "Being Reviewed".
Re: Folders Within Folders - changed to: Not Currently Planned
Per my previous comment, we are hopig to review and plan this issue in the near future, but this is not planned for development in the next quarter. For transparency and clarity, I am updating this issue to 'Not currently planned' for the time being. I will update here once we have plans in place.
I'd like to provide an update on this idea, as it has not gone unnoticed!
We have recently been focused on developing other features in sequences related mostly to new functions when building and enrolling contacts into sequences. However, we are planning this year to shift a focus to the management and administration of sequences, enrollments, and user permissions. We plan to make this shift some time in Q3 of this year.
Adding folders within folders is a logical next step for the organization of a large team's sales content. Furthermore, it is something that you can already do within Marketing Hub content. As we begin to review "Folders Within Folders" specifically, I will update this idea post with our progress. Thank you all for your feedback!
We are continuing to follow this thread and the increases in requests in recent weeks. At this time there are no immediate plans to develop this Idea, but that is not to say that this idea will not be developed. The ability to add folders within folder, while seemingly a quick fix, will require some broader changes to how our sales content library is built. We will be considering multiple potential changes to organization and layout in sales content library before we update this issue to "Being Reviewed".
We have different communciations within our teams, and the way the templates currently sort from last used means they keep moving around and aren't easy to find.
Could someone from HubSpot please update this thread? Not sure where this is at in 2021.
This is really needed. It needs to be included in the products area as well so that when sales is building the deal they can find the correct products. We have different brands with different items and prices this means I will have an over abundance of mini-folders for each of the brands.
Sub folders is a must throughout, when managing multiple brands and teams all with their own workflows, landing pages, pipeline, forms etc its makes it difficult to put folders into a logical format without the ability to have sub-folders.
Please move this to the top of the priority list. This would be an extremely helpful feature in order to maximize efficiency in using templates for our sales teams.
I have been using HubSpot for 2 years now and am fully entrenched in the CRM. The biggest shortfall is document management. My office currently shares sales documents using Google Drive. I have 3500 files and 600 folders. Some of these files and folders can be removed or paired down. However, all the information is relevant to day to day real estate sales.
The Problem.
There is a limit of 1000 documents. This should be increased. Rational: When we work with strata (condos) there can be 20 documents just of two years of meeting minutes, couple in strata plans, disclosures, and other pertinent documents for our clients, the 1000 mark becomes extremely limited.
Folders cannot be nested. So, if I have s complex called "FUN COMPLEX" and I have sub directories for Insurance, 2 years of strata minutes, various disclosures, zoning documents etc. I am forced to flatten out the hierarchy. This means I would have to follow the following naming conventions: FUN COMPLEX - INSURANCE, FUN COMPLEX - STRATA MINUTES, FUN COMPLEX - ZONING, etc., etc., etc....How do the large companies’ mange sales documentation sharing of this nature? Sub Directories help keep documents easily updated. So, I can create a subdir called 2021 STRATA MINUTES. Once 2022 comes, I can delete or archive that DIR (if needed).
Currently we are using google drive. However, for speed and tracking purposes, it is far better for us to start using HubSpot since it is becoming central to my operations. Google files stream has its challenges (it is good but not great). It is for my usage best as a repository for historical information. HubSpot is best suited for on demand sales documents to help drive sales.
The Solution?
Allow for subdirectories
Increase files storage limits
Create a killer search alogrythm to help find documents
Allow a search function to only look for a file type and or folder. Currently a search will display everything.
Spontaneously materialize a proper dram of Scotch :-]
I can see this is a VERY old thread but I hope it is revisited again.
I see that the last time there was an update on this by a staff member was back in September. I'm hoping the suggestion has gained some traction amongst the developers in the last five months. Can you give us the status of where this is in the hierarchy of consideration? Thank you very much.
This would be incredibly helpful to have for workflows. We are extremely limited in the ways we can organize our workflows because of the single level of folders available!
I use templates for emails a lot. I'd like the ability to organize the templates in folders within folders within folders. Right now, I can only go 2 folders deep and I need to organize my templates more than that. If we could remove the limit on the amount of folders (similar to a PC allows for as many folder deep as you'd like), that'd be great!
At the very least I would like to see a way for us to organize corporate documents before user created documents. If user folders were not viewable across the entire organization the confusion would be much less.
I see the benefit of tracking our reps user docs and seeing how they are creating new docs specifically for gaps in our standard marketing pieces but the entry level rep is lost in everyone elses stuff.
@SeanB_407 As a tip, we name our documents folders starting with "GO2 | " (for corporate files, that's the name of our company) and starting with "Personal | rep name" (for individual rep folders). It takes a little training, but has worked well! If they make a mistake, I move their file. 🙂
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