It would be helpful if within a HubSpot contact record, we could compose and send an individual sales email and mark it "High Importance". As of now, I have to compose the email in Outlook and add the exclamation point (high importance) there - then send the email from Outlook.
Upvoting this on behalf of a customer! At this time, it seems like the "! High priority" flag only can be viewed in Outlook clients, but it would be useful to log emails with such flags in HubSpot too.
Yes, I was surprised that this was not already in the system, how was it overlooked my sales guys asked me the other day and I thought it should be but it's not. Wow, why isn't it ?
I would find it also helpful when marking an email as important in Outlook, i.e. put a flag on it, and get it somehow tracked in Hubspot or maybe get a notification about it in Hubspot! Some of our Customers ask us continuously about such a Funktion!
Sometimes you just need something to feel a little bit more urgent. For that, I would like to see the ability added to the Hubspot emails that would mark the email as 'Urgent' just as it would if I sent it through the likes of outlook. Add the ! please.
So, as my comment has now been merged with this one, it has become apparent that the idea was originally submitted over 2 years ago, and what would appear to be a very simple request has still not been actioned?
YES! My team keeps asking for this! You'd think it would be an easy feature to add on. I am using up too much space in my subject line for ****Urgent***
Please create a function to allow emails to be marked as "URGENT" the way Outlook does.
I often find myself seeking to use this feature after switching from Outlook, it is an important function in my Help Desk role as some communications we send are extremely time sensitive.
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