The sales manager reassigns the owner of the incoming conversations to different persons, but once you click on a conversation it is marked as read (the green dot disappears). In order to have some control of the conversations, it would be helpful to have a multiple selection and be able to mark all of them as read or unread.
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Following this conversation. Also surprised this is not available. Crazy inefficient process to go and click on 'read' in Gmail after using CRM to reply.
This feature would be very helpful if supported by a time date stamp, so teams ca track the time between a conversation being received, opened for the first time and then actioned.
The read/unread function is definitley needed. With several agents working from one inbox this is essential to our set up as it is very difficult for the whole team to see what is read or unread and we risk contacting a person twice.
@LKirby7 to clarify, each user has their own read/unread status - if you have multiple agents in the same inbox, the conversation will show unread until they click on it, then it changes to read. This doesn't impact the status for other users in the inbox, they would still see it as unread unless they also click on it. The challenge with this is it doesn't allow you to read the message and change the status back to unread if you don't intend to follow up right away, which makes it harder to identify in the inbox that you haven't responded. You'll always risk contacting a user twice if the agent isn't assigning the ticket/conversation upon opening it. If they assign it and are working on a reply, the other agents would see it is already assigned and could avoid duplicating efforts.
Kindly add read/ unread feature in email part to provide sales manager group info, that other manager have already worked with client. Save company time
Please make this a thing!! Being able to mark an email in the communal support inbox as "Unread" would do wonders. It's so intuitive that even META BUSINESS SUITE has this function.
I thought I was crazy and couldn't find the Mark as Unread feature (seeing as it has been a default feature of every email client for the last 10 years) so Googled and of course should have known I'd fine a Community thread full of flabbergasted HS users and consultants. 🙂
I found a short-term workaround that's a bit clunky but works. You have inbox on the left in a window, and open another HubSpot window right next to it. In this new window, search the person's name in the inbox and go to their contact page, and then you can see the email they just sent.
At this point, the only workaround I am testing is to use the filter property of "last message is from customer" as True...and make sure I am the last person to respond (even if I just respond to myself). Then if they respond again, it is like being unread for me, until I reply (again, to them or me)
We really need this feature. This is a core feature of an inbox and the ability to market a message as unread will go a long way to help people using this day to day.
We have 2 x team members and we share an incoming mailbox. However, I can't see when my team member has read or actioned an email, so ALL the emails appear to be unread. Meaning I have to manually open every single email, deleting the spam emails (which my team member has already done at his end) and then go into the contact to see if they exist, a reply has been sent and whether actions have been completed. It takes so long. Can't there be a way to show these emails read for all team members so we can see what the other has done / completed?
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