HubSpot Ideas


Mark contacts/companies/deals as private to restrict access to certain users

At the moment the access controls are quite limited, and entirely on the user side, rather than the content side. The only controls are whether a user can see their contacts, their team's contacts, or all contacts.


Sometimes you want a contact/company/deal to only be visible to certain people (e.g. their owner), and currently there is no way of doing that. You can utilise teams to make it so that all contacts assigned to a person or team are only visible to that person or team, but there is no way for this to be set on a per contact basis.


This feature would make it much easier to control access and improve security and compliance. When combined with email logging, it will also help avoid people seeing emails that they shouldn't.

47 Replies

i agree with others on this thread and above


and what what @Pagenoi wrote:

"As an Enterprise client, this is one of the most limiting and frustrating missed opportunities in HubSpot. The fact that you only have the four options (Everything, Team only, Owned only, and None) is incredibly frustrating and then you can only add someone to 5 teams makes it practically unusable by our Business Development teams. If I have a BDM who works in 7 markets and another who only works in 3 and they are on a team together then the person who only needs 3 will see everything from the BDM who has 7! That's ridiculous."


I would agree that this is needed for our use case as well.


Very helpful.  Some contacts / partnerships are best in confidence until ready.



This is a must. Customer Privacy and control is more important than ever. So many of your customers will be managing sensitive information and need this.

Does please help? 



Really a must otherwise we have to use other SAAS solutions besides Hubspot, that would be a shame!


This idea wa sposted 2020 and has 79 upvotes - is it possible to get a status from Hubspot on where this fits to your roadmap?

We are struggeling big time with this, as the only possibility today is be restricting on the user side (as mentioned in the original idea). However, user groups are also connected to reporting, and these 2 dont always match. Quite often we have sensitive customers we only need to make available to certain users, and hide from all the rest.
This segmentation is available in other functionality (properties, reports), so I can imagine it would not be a huge thing to implement. To be able to navigate to a specific contact/company and restrict specifically that this object is only to be seen by x team or x person.


Having this capability is crucial in our line of work. We'd like to know where this feature stands as it has reached 80 upvotes. 

Participant | Platinum Partner

@Pagenoi has the perfect argument for this:

As an Enterprise client this is one of the most limiting and frustrating missed opportunities in HubSpot. The fact that you only have the four options (EverythingTeam onlyOwned only, and None) is incredibly frustrating and then you can only add someone to 5 teams makes it practically unusable by our Business Development teams. If I have a BDM who works in 7 markets and another who only works in 3 and they are on a team together then the person who only needs 3 will see everything from the BDM who has 7! That's ridiculous.


We need this function for many of our clients, as we could use this for our HR teams to silo their contacts from the sales contacts.


yes pls, we have the same issue where 2 different teams should have access to all contacts, but not the communications. (emails) 



I desperately need this feature!  I want to send confidential emails to staff and vendors without other staff in Hubspot seeing the history or contact.  I would really like to see a "confidentiality" feature added. 


Please add that!


Still reqesting in 2023!


This would be really helpful for us as well!


This would be a great feature and very helpful. 


This feature is badly needed. Complex deals particuarly where government is involved requires incredibly strict probity responses. The current setup is far too limiting for a CRM...


When is this going to happen? We need it.


I completley agree.  We need a way to make certain accounts/companies private.  I store information on the employees I am training and managing within HubSpots and need a way to make those "companies" private from employees outside of myself and the management team.  This is crucial!


Really need this feature. There is too much risk not to have it.

It is ESSENTIAL and I am unsure why it is still unavailable.
I requested the s 3 years ago!! Still waiting