We would love to have the ability to select the timezone for the workflow when setting it.
Some context here: we send email campaigns out targetting customers from different countries.
We send those emails around 9:00AM. HubSpot assumes that the timezone is the Portal timezone. But 9:00AM Central Time is not the same time in Australia Time.
Then, as a workaround we have to do some math in order to get the emails to go out at the correct time depending on the country.
That should be something we can select and HubSpot must calculate automatically for us... Super simple solution we have already seen (and used) in other providers.
Completely agree with @PaulStaite -- we have a global team on one account. Our account timezone is US Pacific Time -- but teams operating in Europe and Asia need workflow email functionality as well; instead of having one global workflow that can send emails based on local timezone (like the email editor can), we have to use regional workflows each set at a different time. This duplication costs time and resources to maintain.
Totally agree. We can send mass emails by time zone--we need this in workflows. When you have national and international contacts, you are throwing away/corrupting excellent analytics data this way.
Yes, this would be a very valuable feature to have for automated emails. With a global user base it's absolutely necessary to be able to send automated emails at every individual's ideal time, rather than e.g. 8am Eastern Standard Time.
Thanks everyone for the comments, upvotes, and feedback! We're currently working on adding more options to time delays, for more precise control. As part of that work, we're exploring the possibility of adding a contact timezone option. For example, being able to configure a delay to end specifically at 8:00 am in the contact's timezone, so that the following action happens at that time (which could be an email send). I'll update again when we have more information
We've just kicked off a beta for a new feature called a Delay until a day or time delay, and we'd love to get it in your hands and get your feedback
You can use the Delay until a day or timedelay to pause your workflow until a certain day(s) of the week and/or time of day. For example, if you're using a workflow to send a series of promotional emails, you might want certain emails to only go out on Tuesday mornings. You can use aDelay until a day or timeaction to delay contacts until Tuesday at 11:00 AM. Any contacts that enter the delay will then wait until the next Tuesday at 11:00 AM before exiting the delay.
There's also an option to use your account timezone, or the enrolled contact's timezone for the specified time, in contact workflows. This way, the following email can go out on Tuesday at 11:00 AM in your recipient's timezone.
Please submit your email address and Hub ID via this form to request access, and please feel free to send me a direct message with any follow-up feedback about the new delay!
@IsabellaV as outlined above, we have a feature in beta for this request. If you'd like access for your portal please submit your Hub ID via this form. Thank you!