This is something that is really critical please HubSpot - We have many clients wanting this functionality and especially with the new report builder where we can have data from multiple objects in one report it would be great if we could have calculated columns (i.e. Count of contacts is one column, number of sales calls another column, then deals another column, then closed deals another column) - we then would want the ability to calculate average conversion rates between those columns to see percentages. This would likely also need the ability too filter data per column and not just the whole data set
Basically, we need a way to report on multiple objects and use data from each to calculate conversion rates across the objects based on critertia we set
I support TarynR's suggestion on functionality requirement for multiple objects in one report. As a sales division we measure Inputs on a hourly basis and require conversion rates to understand market response, lead per sale ratio effectiveness and sales consultant skill requirement. It's challenging to operate in a world without these data points.
This is something that is totally doable with a tool called Whaly ( They let you build custom reports and metrics through a powerful, yet simple, interface directly connected to CRM, product and marketing data. And they can let you build calculated metrics or more advanced operations such as roll-ups, lookups, etc.
Definitely would love this! With all the collateral you have on your blog about calculating the churn rate and other metrics, we can't even recreate the churn rate/report for our dashboard
Is there any update? And is it just me or have the answers of the HubSpot employees been deleted. Is this feature cancelled? (which would be a really big shame)
Would be great if we can have calculation built into "axis" too. For now, we are only able to show percentages based off pie charts. Looking to have "percentage" show up within the x-axis instead.
@YiRui_Chua Yeap, this is exactly what we need right now!
"Would be great if we can have calculation built into "axis" too. For now, we are only able to show percentages based off pie charts. Looking to have "percentage" show up within the x-axis instead"
This feature would take HubSpot Reporting to the next level. Huge differentiator today between reporting out of Salesforce and HubSpot. Excited to see this in planning and all the updates that have been made. Great work product team!
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