Make the properties your team sees when creating deals or tickets pipeline specific
Ourselves and many of our customers have multiple Deals and Ticket Pipelines.
Both Deals and Tickets might need different information required in the different Pipelines they belong to. For example if your sales teams sell to completly different industries. When you start to have multiple Pipelines there is just to much non-relevant information for some of the teams when crerating these records.
Using the customized records on Deals or Tickets records is not enough since this information needs to be set when creating the Deal or Ticket. There is also a need to set different required fields based on the different Pipelines.
Based on the Pipeline you choose, we need to be able to set different properties and make them required the team sees when creating a new Deal or Ticket.
Is this feature coming any time soon? We have the same problem! We made mandatory properties when moving deals from stage in our diferent pipelines, but when creating a deal is a problem because this information is important for one pipeline but for the others is not!
We have multiple pipelines and would like to add addition ones for other departments of our company but are hesitate because of this issue. We use seperate sections already for the other pipelines. We have to have our property fields for new deals very strict for the Sales team but those fields would be non-exisitent for the other pipelines we want to add. Would love to see this update!
I have the same problem - our pipelines require very different properties to set up. Giving you the ability to customise the create form will overcome a huge barrier and pain point for our teams.