Seriously. I am so close to being done with Hubspot. I spent an ENTIRE WORK DAY creating elaborate custom properties with the sole purpose of using them in a form for my client to provide rich text answers. I wasted a day yet again trying to make this platform work for me, and it failed me again. It's bad enough with all the things I can't do with the starter hub as a solopreneur. This is ridiculous.
For us attorneys, this feature would be invaluable. There are times when we require in-depth and comprehensive answers about a case, and this tool could significantly enhance our efficiency.
This is a great idea. We have Internal Request forms that create Support Tickets for us in HubSpot and it would save everyone so much time if the staff submitting the request could include screen shots or images in a Rich Text field property on the form itself.
I am so suprised this function is missing from HubSpot, would be a basic requirement of all property types could be visible in Forms. I just wanted to use this function to redirect contacts to other site based on a logical connection. Any news if this is in the radar of the product developers?
I managed to get a working rich text editor via the Quill Js: Via javascript I copy the content of the quill editor in a large textarea of a hubspot form. (load the form via javascript, not the hubl).
// Function to handle the input in the quill-editor: function saveContent() { var editorContent = document.getElementById('editor'); editorContentRaw = editorContent.querySelector(".ql-editor").innerHTML; let formField = document.querySelector("textarea[name='profile_discription_rich']") // Create a temporary div element and set its innerHTML const tempDiv = document.createElement('div'); tempDiv.innerHTML = editorContentRaw; // Get the innerHTML of the temporary div and set it as the textarea's value formField.value = tempDiv.innerHTML; }
Yes please! I was so excited to be able to create the rich text field and add it to a form so that I can empower my team to create detailed information about the companies they add to the Hubspot CRM.