Make mandatory Product Line Items on Deals an option! [Revenue Reporting Issue]
As the ARR & MRR reporting is based around these properties, which are calculated via the Line Items, it's essential for accurate reporting that it be possible to make adding them to Deals mandatory.
I've worked with a few organisations where this has been an issue now, and while creating 'Missing Line Item' tasks and reminder notification workflows for the sales reps helps, there are always going to be Deals here and there missing Line Items with the current, and so Annual & Monthly Revenue Reporting inaccurate.
If it were simply possible to enforce the addition of Line Items so as to move between stages, or move the deal to Closed Won, the problem would be solved.
As it currently stands I have a few clients with this issue, and I'm seeing between 40-60% completion of deals with associated product line items - making these key reporting properties unreliable and incomplete.
YES PLEASE. exactly this: As the ARR & MRR reporting is based around these properties, which are calculated via the Line Items, it's essential for accurate reporting and projecting that it be possible to make adding them to Deals mandatory. As a work-around, we'll automate them onto a deal for our team, but it won't be perfect and they'll need a task reminder to update them.
Make a mirror field on the deal and make it required to close.
For example, I need to know to hear color shirt they ordered but the rep didn't mark the color option on the product. When they move to the "signed" stage, a workflow moves the product metadata to the deal property, and if nothing moves over... they didn't fill it out, and the deal property with remain blank. It cannot remain blank to move to CLOSE, thus getting your data put on the deal directly by the AE.
Not being able to require line items makes the reporting unusable for both sales managers and operations.
How can every other field be required, but not line item? If the idea is to track sales, but you cant require tracking the specific products... whats the use?