HubSpot Ideas


Make Throttling Available for Email Newsletter Sends

By email throttling I mean controlling the amount of email messages sent to one ISP or remote server at one time.  


Sometimes ISPs block messages when a high volume is sent by one sender at one time because they might be concerned its spam. 

Since I use dedicated IPs, a large send cannot be spread out over multiple IP addresses, which is not ideal. Thus, I would like to be able to throttle emails out at different speeds to compensate for this. 

I know send rate limits are available through Amazon SES so it is just a matter of building that integration into Hubspot as well.

I had this feature on Marketo and it was useful to be able to test and monitor this factor.

22 Replies

Agreed 1000% 


yes, we would definitely like the ability to throttle emails too



I would like to see email throttling as an option too - but for a slightly different reason:

Since COVID our marketing lists are growing at some rate (we've grown our marketing database by 50% since lockdown began). Due to the HS unique parameters that are added to all links, it is not always practical to link-through to smaller micro-sites. The use of the unique parameter essentially ensures each request of the website is a new cache request and often smaller sites cannot cope with the large volume in a short time period. 

It would be a nice option to say send 250k of emails over a 24 hour period so that everyone didn't receive, open and click through at the same time.


Marketo is working on this functionality, they said its an issue for their customers with large contact lists. 


need this!


Any update on this?


Would love to see this implemented. We send to a lot of associations and brokerages that have spam filters like Barracuda in place. This would prevent flagged emails and emails being automatically sent to promotional inboxes. 


This is needed in HubSpot. I've had this feature on so many ESPs, even the old ones that no longer exist prior to using HubSpot in my current role. This would help HS users in a major way. 


Upvoting this per comments around the new Gmail/Yahoo deliverability changes. Please enable this feature for *all* email types, including feedback survey emails.


Agree - the latest Google Email Sender Guidelines tells us explicitly that large bursts or suddenly increased send volumes are at risk of deliverability issues. Throttling will be a necessity and should not have to be done through workflows for emails like newsletters. This was available in Marketing Cloud and I was very surprised it is not an option in HubSpot.


Yes 100%


The Seventh Sense makes this possible as an integration. 


I feel like I've asked this question of support at HS, and the answer is that HS throttles large sends. If HS is not, please implement soon! I loved the "send over time" feature in my last MAP. 


Agreed. Would want to see this. Looks like this feature has been elevated for several years so not sure if it's even on Hubspot's backlog.


Soo important!
We are sometimes create workflows to not send to many emails from new sender email addresses (end then ending up in the spam folder or even blocked!!)


Does anyone from hubspot read this? Seems odd that it's been raised in multiple threads for 5 years and I haven't seen any acknowledgement?


@SHayward1 The HubSpot teams do read this and they do reply - though not always directly in the chats. 
I'm an enterprise customer and last year I had an hour-long chat with one of the developer teams as they were requirements gathering for this exact feature. They were keen to understand my needs and how I would see a possible solution working for me. This was after I had contacted my CSM (I was particularly concerned at that point because Googles new guidance at that point was that sends of 20k plus potentially could get penalised.
I understand that there are multiple reasons for needing this feature but the technical execution isnt as easy as we might like... but they do have it on the development board and they do listen to their customers.


This has been up here for years because there is a low cost app in the HS marketplace that accomplishes this called 7th Sense. The guy who runs the company Mike is great and we've had great success with the tool. Whatever HS comes up with is going to be the usual vanilla WYSIWYG stuff that's fine for the typical marketing manager but if you want better than that just get 7th Sense it's going to give you what you need and more. 


Thanks for the response @hubspotter594 - sounds like we're in a similar position to you re. large sends - specifically we're seeing a dropoff of delivery in the US that we're having trouble explaining (we're a UK organisation with some US customers) - we're looking at maybe putting in a dedicated IP instead of hubspot's shared IP's but put off by the warm-up time we'll need to dedicate - but being able to mail a large list (30k+) across an extended period might alleviate some of the issues. I'm told there are possible plugins (including one mentioned in this thread) that we may need to look at in the interim.


Also meant to add - one of the elements we'd like is the ability to throttle/spread out emails into the same domain e.g. rather than just send, say, 100 mails per minute in alphabetical order, ensure that if there are 10 contacts to the same organisation that they're not all mailed in the same minute, as some organisations are identifying identical emails into the business to multiple recipients from the same source (at the same time) as SPAM, even if they're part of a subscriber list.