Make Custom Objects Accessible in Zapier Integration
Currently in the Hubspot's Zapier Integration, custom objects are not accessible as triggers or actions. We would like to be able to run formulas for dates and all sorts of other actions that are beyond the capabilities of Hubspot's workflow automation tools. All of hubspot's standard objects are available in Zapier, we would like to be able to have the same access for custom objects we've created.
If my memory serves me correctly – I was trying to do the following via. a Zap:
* Capture Conversion Data entries from<> as a Custom Object record in Hubspot that would be associated to the relevant affiliate Contact record in Hubspot – as well as the end customer Company record. * Capture Payments Data entries from<> as a Custom Object record in Hubspot that would be associated to the relevant affiliate Contact record in Hubspot
We will likely end up doing this all custom via API.
@WinnieHien - fantastic to hear that you're looking to add Custom Objects to the Zapier integration!
1. Do you need Triggers, Actions or both? Both. Would love the ability to create and update custom objects via zapier.
2. What's your use case? We have a few, but particularily we use some tools that are used by non-hubspot users, or would like to connect apps that don't integrate natively with HubSpot. For example, would love to create a Microsoft Form which feeds an excel sheet. When that excel sheet has a new row, the zap would create a new custom object in HubSpot based off that row's fields.
3. Can I reach out to you to learn more? Yes, please!
+1 We have custom objects to represent events and promotions. We need to be able to trigger the creation and updating of these based on external input, as well as have activity on them trigger the creation and updating of other objects.
Action example, someone registers at an event. So, form creation is the trigger for creating a new event (custom object.)
Trigger example: A property of a promotion (custom object) is updated by its owner. This triggers an external event.